24 Tips To Be More Romantic

24 tips to be more romantic

When we think of romantic individuals, the same things usually come to mind: chocolates, flowers, stuffed animals. However, romanticism is something much broader and can involve much more than we first think.

We used to say, “I’m not romantic”! But perhaps romanticism is nothing more than the expression of the feeling that the loved one provokes in us. So, in some way, we’re all romantics!


At the beginning of a relationship, the illusion, the novelty, the passion, everything is under the skin and we end up being more romantic. But over time these romantic gestures are forgotten in a drawer because of routine and trust.

For a couple to be happy, we must not forget about romantic gestures. Love is like a house that is never fully built or decorated. There are always details that are missing.

Love is in the details of everyday life and being romantic does not mean being “extravagant”.

Learning to be generous, to take care of your lover as if he were a baby or to keep a small flame burning, even when the winds blow… this is being romantic.

how can we be more romantic

We are all romantics when we are in love, but as with everything in life, some know how to express themselves better than others.

If you are shy or if routine has set in in your relationship, it is more difficult to express your feelings, even though there is a lot of love. We share below 24 tips for you to be more romantic without ceasing to be yourself.

  1. Don’t forget to be yourself. Everyone is romantic in their own way, but the true romantic does everything naturally and sincerely.
  2. Seduce ; make your partner feel unique, that you admire him, respect him, and desire him.
  3. Avoid monotony; never cease to amaze him.
  4. Realize what is romantic for your partner and act accordingly.
  5. Romantic yes, obsessed no. The opposite of romanticism is obsession. We can’t spend all day trying to be romantic, because we can smother each other. Like everything else in life, you need to have common sense.
  6. Being honest is also very romantic. Many words, enigmatic behaviors, are useless if they are not sincere.
  7. Look at your partner in awe.
  8. Say I love you”. It is proven that people who say I love you after making love are much happier, accomplices and the relationship becomes lasting.
  9. Strive to be comfortable anywhere and with others.
  10. Talk to each other every day. According to experts, 30 minutes of conversation a day reinforces the relationship.
  11. Listen carefully.
  12. Write a letter to your partner.
  13. Show affection. Is there anything more romantic than hugging when you’re upset? And a kiss at the most unexpected time and place? And a wink or a smile from afar? Hug at least once a day; hugs are powerful demonstrations of love.
  14. Go back to the place where you first met and do the same things.
  15. Prepare a special dinner.
  16. Do the homework you don’t normally do. Never washed the dishes? Surprise.
  17. Don’t forget about small gestures you can make to let him know he’s always on your mind: pick up some flowers on the way home, write a passionate note, burn a CD, send an email every day.
  18. Do things together : cook, dance, take a nap…
  19. Have your couple’s photo album or memories, with photos, letters, notes, etc.
  20. Look good for your partner.
  21. Call your work just for a little chat.
  22. Send messages good morning or good night through WhatsApp.
  23. Don’t forget the sense of humor.
  24. Support each other in their worst moments. A hug, a kiss, holding your hand before entering a new job, in the doctor’s office.

I believe you can complete this list, because each of us has our resources. But don’t forget, the most important thing is to be yourself. Authenticity is what makes us different from others.

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