5 Books To Alleviate Lovelessness

5 books to alleviate lovelessness

Geniuses like Pablo Neruda are able to say a lot in a few words. One of his most famous phrases says: “Love is so short and forgetting so long…”. Since not everyone is so brilliant, we others need a lot more space to explain certain phenomena. Some write entire works. In fact, today I would like to show you a series of books to alleviate lovelessness.

Because experiencing love is wonderful, but experiencing lovelessness is terribly painful. When a relationship ends, we may feel that this person we have given so much for will no longer be part of our world, and this is something that can make us suffer a lot.

Fortunately, nothing is immutable in this world. As painful as a breakup is, we can and must always move forward. We have to look for our own self, our unique sound. In this sense, these books to alleviate lovelessness can serve as a temporary guide until we get back on track.

Walter Riso is one of the authors who has contributed the most to a modern psychology spoken in a simple way so that we can all understand it. So, in this book he helps us to overcome a separation with his usual close prose without complexities.

Here, Riso focuses much of his work on emotional dependence and how to get rid of it. Do you think you are living in a toxic relationship? Maybe now you feel like nothing makes sense, but in reality it’s just a bright spot for your future relationships to be healthier.

So if your married life has been especially difficult because of jealousy or constant conflict, don’t hesitate to read this book. This way you will be able to learn to maintain healthy relationships and enjoy life together.

Let’s go now with the work of a famous psychoanalyst, Mariela Michelena. In this case, we find a text specially designed for women. If you find yourself in a no-return situation but unable to move forward, maybe this is your book.

Often, at the end of a relationship, it’s almost impossible to move on. As much as we wish, we find ourselves incapable. But sometimes, deep reflection from points of view we hadn’t imagined can be the solution. Michelena teaches us how to overcome this complex situation of resistance to change. If you feel guilty and remember your past relationship, be sure to take a look at this book, whether you like it or not, you will have to move on without that person.

Now, let’s go with a bestseller that even became a movie in the skin of Julia Roberts, along with Javier Bardem. A woman who finds herself lost after her divorce decides to venture on a journey that takes her to Italy, India and Indonesia.

Without a doubt, Gilbert knows what he is talking about, as the work is autobiographical. In this case, even despite the pain, she drew strength from her weakness to seek something better than what she had. So, although it is not written from a psychological point of view, this book can be a good inspiration for many people.

Robin Norwood believes that loving a lot is constantly talking about the other person. So if you see that all your conversations are about your partner, their problems and feelings, maybe you’re in love too much.

However, Norwood tries to help women who have considered themselves addicted to toxic relationships where they excuse everything from their partner despite bothering them and being a constant in their life. Without a doubt, it is a good idea to change and leave this kind of “excessive love”.

Among the books to alleviate lovelessness, we finally highlight this work by Helen Fisher. Without a doubt, a text that has aroused the curiosity of scientists, as the author provides a biological view of how our brain works when we fall in love.

In this case, Fisher focuses on the functioning of neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine, serotonin, or dopamine. So we know why love brings out the best and worst in each other from a totally scientific point of view.

We sincerely hope that this list of books to alleviate lovelessness will be helpful. Remember that you are a valid person who deserves to be happy. So don’t think that an ending is the end, because it can be the beginning of something totally new and beautiful.

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