5 Wonderful Phrases By Federico García Lorca

Federico García Lorca is one of the best known and most read Spanish poets. Today, we’re going to discover some of their best phrases.
5 wonderful phrases by Federico García Lorca

We can safely say that Federico García Lorca is one of the best known and most read Spanish poets in the world. This fame was achieved with the popular themes that were always present in his works, as well as with his modern minstrel personality that permeated each of his poems. That’s why today we’ve put together some phrases by Federico García Lorca that we consider worthy of mention.

However, before delving into each of them, it is important to highlight that another aspect that made this Spanish poet famous was his tragic death in 1936. Since then, works such as the Poema del Cante Jondo and the Romancero Gitano achieved a diffusion that has been extended to the present day. With this brief introduction, let’s discover together some of the phrases by Federico García Lorca that will invite us to reflect.

Federico García Lorca as a young man

1. One of Federico García Lorca’s phrases about life

This is one of the first sentences by Federico García Lorca that brings to mind one of the best known Latin topics: carpe diem. Well then, this poet, despite being aware of life’s misfortunes, highlights the importance of taking advantage.

People often get caught up in complaining, a situation that makes us retreat into ourselves and perceive everything around us in a negative way. However, just read a few articles, such as A decrease in memory problems is associated with an improvement in the mood: a study of follow-up to the sweet months in depressed patients (A decrease in memory complaints is associated with an improvement in Mood: A Twelve-Month Follow-up Study in Depressed Patients) , to know that you need to complain less and enjoy more.

2. Crying is necessary

Federico García Lorca already stated this idea in a clear and simple way. Crying is not an action that should be hidden or worth controlling for our own good. Nor is it an expression that should be questioned. So, in just seven words, Lorca gives a lesson on crying.

How many times have we cried and someone around us tried to calm us down saying “don’t cry?” It’s important to let that emotion out. We can cry with sadness, with joy, because we are discouraged or because we remember a person we have lost. We can even cry for no reason.

3. Being silent is the worst self-punishment

The third of the sentences by Federico García Lorca is present in the tragedy he wrote in verse, entitled Bodas de Sangue . In it, silence is like a burden, and it can not only cause us pain, but also go against our well-being.

Just as crying is a way of expressing emotions, speaking instead of being silent is a way of expressing something we need to communicate.

4. Loneliness in the phrases of Federico García Lorca

Loneliness can be a fulcrum for growth, but it can also be the rock that sinks us. Many people flee from loneliness, feel panic about being alone and do their best not to find themselves in this situation. However, as Federico García Lorca shows us, loneliness can allow us to know who we are.

But this is not the only end of loneliness. The truth is that, when managed well, it is a space for clairvoyance: it helps us identify what we are so afraid of in order to cure it.

sad woman in solitude

5. Hiding the pain is a mistake

The last of Federico García Lorca’s sentences allows us to reflect on all the pain in which we use a bandage, but which remains present even when we remove the bandage years later. So looking the other way, ignoring the pain, or putting on a bandage are not the best options.

We hope that these quotes by Federico García Lorca have brought you reflections on different aspects of life, as well as alerting you to complaints or attitudes that could harm you. Have you ever read a book by Federico García Lorca? Do you remember any poem by him that marked him?

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