Happiness Is Knowing How To Appreciate The Little Things In Life

Happiness is knowing how to appreciate the little things in life

The simple things in life are like the stars that shine in the dark nights. They are always there, surrounding us, offering us their subtle magic in the form of happiness. We do not always, however, stop to look at them or remember that they exist.

Only when we lack something, when life proves to us a little or very difficult, do we remember what really matters to our heart, what tunes the inner chords that make music and give meaning to our existence.

There are those who generally say that the simpler our way of life is, the less worries we will have and the fewer mistakes we will make. Now, everyone is free to complicate their life as much as they wish. We all have the right to take risks, plan dreams and have as wide and varied a social circle as we like.
The main thing, the key to all this, is not living a simple life, it is being simple in thinking and knowing what is important, which is what makes our heart truly calm and identifies us. We are all very free to build our private microuniverses out of this. We invite you to reflect on them.

The little things are the biggest things in life


There is a data released recently that caught our attention: Google published what are the most common searches among users in its search platform. Among them, there is one that appears almost everywhere: how to be happy?

We all have more than one thing that we would never trade for even the most valuable of riches. The lives of the children, the spouse, the siblings… And even the pets. Because what they give us and what we offer them is a priceless exchange of affections.

Now, the problem with all this is that life is not easy at times. A person knows, for example, that the most important thing for him/her is his/her children, but he/she must complete a long workday that, in the end, prevents him from being with the children as long as he would like.


We would all like, without a doubt, that things were easier, and that when we felt lost among so many pressures, so many day-to-day obligations, we didn’t stray from what is really essential. It would be interesting to think about these aspects for a moment.

Lead a full and conscious life

Leading a full and conscious life is knowing how to understand the moment in life we ​​are in, it is feeling the present, the here and now.

  • We must be aware of what our hearts say and the needs around us. It may be, for example, that working longer hours brings the opportunity to have more material things, but it may be that even so, the greatest desire is to invest this time in the family.
  • Living a full life is also understanding that every effort is worth it, because everything we do can bring happiness and bring happiness to others.
  • If there is no reciprocity, there is no fullness. Look at your life as if it were a cycle: if there is no balance with yourself and your surroundings, it will be difficult to find happiness.

Pleasure in simple is a matter of attitude

Not everyone knows how to take advantage of the little things that life has to offer. Perhaps because they are unable to see them, or because they do not appreciate them and are more inclined to clinging to the material type, for immediate satisfactions, but which in the end do not last…

Enjoying the pleasure of the simple is an attitude that many cultivate because they have already achieved an adequate inner peace without deception. This pleasure, however, comes only after a long time of work, but in the end there is an act of awareness and consequent discovery of pleasures that were previously hidden:

  • The pleasure of good friendships.
  • Good days and unexpected affections.
  • A child’s infectious laugh.
  • Fresh wind after rain.
  • From the sun that sets to the bottom of the ocean in absolute silence.
  • Of waking up on a Sunday with no worries on your mind.

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