No One Is More Than Yourself And Your Circumstances

No one is more than yourself and your circumstances

I can’t count on the fingers of my hands when, in my life, I’ve failed beautifully. I also don’t know how many times I didn’t live up to the expectations of the people around me. In fact, I can say that I’ve reached the bowels of failure.

I was rebellious in my own way, with and without a cause, I made unforgivable mistakes and others that take a while to assimilate. I exchanged pardons for hopes that the fact would be forgotten, for the very inertia that occurs when accumulating memories.

I went through serious difficulties without needing, but the worst thing is that the worst consequences of these complications I got myself into were paid for by the people around me, and from whom I accepted the offer of “shield” they made me.

I lost North more than once. Also the South, East and West. I opened my hands and let everything fall, to be at random and by chance. I talk about important things, those that leave scars, those that hardly go away and come back.

No one is more than yourself and your circumstances

Why fix mistakes?

I was able to regain what I had lost but, out of pride, I wasn’t in the mood to get it back.  I scratched and bit myself, and this is a pain I must serve my sentence for, because I’m the only one to blame. That’s why I say to you, usually, first our inaptitude is bad for ourselves and then for others…

There would be a lack of mental posters if I wanted to order the times that, throughout my life, I did not fulfill my expectations. I don’t know how many times I drank from the bottle of defeat, the one that comes down like the worst of the syrups we drank when we were kids. Well, the flavors for adults don’t improve much either.

So look ahead…

From an early age, they evaluate our work, eager for us to learn to compare ourselves with others and start competing. Later, you learn that you started life by learning very poorly and that no one can be compared to anyone else. In fact, no one is more than himself, nor more than his circumstances.

So,  you understand that most of what they said is also disappointing, and you begin to understand that, if there is no other option but to be yourself, it’s worth dreaming a little about the possibility of being one… Even if the call it strange and different, even though it may disappoint those who have stopped to think about what you would be like a few years from now.

No one is more than yourself and your circumstances

But despite everything…

When I understood this, the harshness of my disappointments increased by several degrees. I could no longer blame anyone because I had chosen to make myself responsible. I changed the warm rags to try to learn as much as possible about defeats.

I don’t know what will happen, because we don’t really have a future out of our heads, but so far, I believe this exercise in honesty has been worth doing.

You can ask as many people as you like for advice, you can find out if the path has a lot of ups and downs, or ask the skies where the wind blows. Analyze the circumstances – your circumstances – one by one and calmly, but choose the direction yourself.

That way, when you need to declare victory, defeat, or a little of both, you’ll experience its full intensity and nothing you’ve invested will have been wasted. It will never be a disappointment again.

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