Behaviors That Keep Us In Unhappy Relationships

Behaviors that keep us in unhappy relationships

Relationships and love are not just about gifting boxes of chocolates on Valentine’s Day. It is necessary to know how to differentiate between healthy and unhappy relationships so as not to be stuck with the latter.

A satisfying and healthy relationship can make us better and happier people. To achieve this, there must be good communication, respect and good habits in the couple.

When communication, respect and good habits do not exist, unhappy relationships are born. Even worse is to maintain these relationships out of self-indulgence with the following behaviors:

Not paying attention to your intuition

Has your inner voice been telling you that your partner is not what he seems?

It is very common that at the beginning of the relationship everything seems perfect. It is the part of passion that brings us closer to this person: we tend to minimize their defects and increase their qualities.

The problem starts when they start to show up or you start to see certain unhealthy behaviors like lying, weird attitudes and excessive jealousy.

If you find yourself in this situation, stop stalling or you will get into one of those unhappy relationships that no one wants to have.

Analyze the situation and if you feel that you are actually falling into unhealthy behaviors, think about the different options that exist.

Sometimes it’s possible to seek outside help, and sometimes it’s better to end it to avoid more serious problems in the future.


Anxiety about the life of a couple

If your family is like mine, they probably want to know when you’re getting married. They will show their concern for your singleness without caring about your age or your goals. It’s something very common and you have to learn to deal with it instead of becoming obsessed with the topic.

Many unhappy relationships are born out of this concern. Both women and men can be tempted to start a relationship to avoid constant questions.

When the engagement comes, they begin to pressure us into marriage. They finally get married and after a short time they are involved in a relationship that is not what they wanted.

The best you can do is not worry about outside pressures. If you are not ready now, simply explain this to anyone who comes with questions.

Everyone has their time and we must learn to respect it.

We end up settling for unhappy relationships

This behavior can be related to the previous one, but not necessarily. These are situations where we have a relationship with another person just to avoid questions, but without there really being true love.

Maybe you like her but don’t love her, or there are things you really can’t stand. However, you can take it because it’s “easier” than putting up with social pressure.

It can also happen that there is no external pressure. Your biggest dream may be to get married and have children to form a stable family.

So, you search and find a person who wants more or less the same thing. Most likely it won’t meet all your expectations, but since you’re willing to offer what you want, you accept.

As you can imagine, in either of the two situations described, we will have unhappy relationships. At first they may even work, but after a few years the problems will be too much.


How to change these behaviors

We all have intuition, even though we often don’t give it the attention it deserves. Paying attention to intuition is the best way to avoid and end unhappy relationships. Just listen to what your feelings say.

We always want to avoid pain and suffering. It’s normal, and that’s why we can do two things with unhappy relationships: get out of them or convince ourselves that everything is fine. To stay sane, the best alternative is to end unhappy relationships.

It won’t be easy, but you’ll be taking control of your life and you’ll be able to pursue a relationship that really brings you happiness.

Images courtesy of Nicoletta Ceccoli, Claudia tremblay, Melissacopeland

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