Curious Techniques To Relieve Pain In Minutes

Curious Techniques to Relieve Pain in a Few Minutes

In our well-being society we want to avoid pain at all costs. However, like everything in life, pain also arrives, as it is part of everyone’s existence.

We want the bad times to never come. We always want everything to work out, that we feel happy and enjoying life constantly. However, sometimes pain appears and we don’t know how to deal with it.

Learning to live with pain, knowing that it will come and that we will have to face it is a way of maturing and educating our emotions. However, often emotions come to settle in us unintentionally.

It is sometimes difficult to control them, even if we have been trained to do so, as they arise in our unconscious.

Techniques to relieve pain in a few minutes

Do not question these techniques and wonder if they are effective or not. Simply practice them and see for yourself their effects on your mind and body.

Look for your special corner

Find a quiet place and put on some relaxing music and some aroma that you like that relaxes you. Do you feel safe? Feel peace and tranquility?

Draw a picture of this place. It will be a reminder of the moment of peace and happiness you lived. Do not hesitate to return to your corner whenever you need it. It will serve for you to disconnect from the outside and be able to connect with yourself.

Field with flowers representing the end of pain

make your own collage

Search old magazines for images that represent the pain you want to leave behind. Don’t think too much; cut and assemble your collage.

When you’re done, ask yourself what you wanted your collage to represent, what it means, and what exactly it symbolizes.

Observe, breathe and let go of what you want to let go of.

Take deep breaths without thinking about anything

Find a quiet time and place and lie down or sit in a comfortable posture. Try to leave your mind blank.

Close your eyes and focus only on your breathing. Feel how your stomach swells and how you slowly exhale through your nose. If negative thoughts arise, let them pass by as a spectator.

Let yourself be carried away by the flow of your breath.

Listen to music

Music is, without a doubt, one of the best tools to awaken emotions. Music awakens our alpha waves, responsible for peace and calm.

Put on music that represents the emotion you want to get out of yourself. No doubt you will feel very relieved.

tear a paper

Take a piece of paper, even better if it’s colored, in the color you believe represents the emotion you want to leave behind. Slowly tear it up feeling how you put your negative emotions on paper. Focus.

Spend about 10 minutes on this activity.

doodle like a child

Scribble without thinking. Try to imagine that all your negative emotions were left in these scribbles. Take the time you need and see if you feel relieved or not.

Other Pain Relief Advice

In addition to these curious techniques, don’t hesitate to use other more conventional methods:

  • Don’t judge your feelings negative or painful. Living with them is part of the healing process. Accepting is more convenient than fighting them.
  • Vent through crying. Crying relieves us, allows us to be free. Crying, without a shadow of a doubt, is like a current that drags and takes away what is negative. We feel more relaxed, as if we have taken a weight off our shoulders.
  • Talk to someone you really empathize with. Talking honestly with someone who has nice words for us, who doesn’t judge us and who shows us affection can help us a lot.

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