Hugs That Make Me Say “adversity, You Won’t Defeat Me”

I like these hugs that, even if they don’t solve anything, are a way of telling adversity that it can’t beat me. I like to close my eyes as they surround me with the force that amazes her, as I create that courage that will make her run away like a frightened little girl chased by a witch.

Through them we relieve tension, reduce stress, improve our self-esteem, restore confidence in ourselves and in the world around us. In addition, we strengthen our security and foster  care for our emotional needs.

The truth is that sometimes, through a hug, something clicks,  turns on the lamp of our well-being, which gives us love and reaps clean and wonderful feelings that comfort our pain.

The best tranquilizer is a hug

There are hugs that make you close your eyes, sigh and travel to a parallel world of peace and quiet. In fact, they say that the generic remedy for anxiolytics is called hug, as it calms those who receive it in times of trouble and worry.

They may even make more sense than a bunch of well-armed words and slaps on the back. All this has a simple explanation: hugs are wonderful gestures that serve to tell others that we are by their side, in physical and emotional presence.

Because the conjunction of the two presences is essential for one person to perceive the other based on the simplicity and richness of the exchange. It is with small details and big gestures that we perceive the appreciation of others.

This warmth that is given by a hug makes us feel that everything will be fine, that we cannot surrender, and that the people who love us will not leave us without their comfort or support.

The wonderful hugs that make the sadness go away from the body

It’s amazing how our emotions can change when someone hugs us and conveys their affection. Negative emotions like sadness and anger, even if they are painful and healthy , lighten up.

With hugs, we recharge positive energy, we tell our mind that it can face what lies ahead and that there is no obstacle that prevents us from walking through life with our face held high and our head held high.

Because a hug, in the end, is a feeling, a remedy for the pain of the soul, pure delight, contact, affection, meeting, love, sweetness, wealth, good wishes, looking at the heart, nobility, understanding, closeness, intensity, happiness , coziness…

Because hugs at the right time can make a difference, make a heart smile and erase pain and loneliness. There is no doubt that they make us feel special, that they are the best gift we can give.

Therefore, never despise the physical and psychological power of a hug, as this simple gesture is able to take you out of a well of darkness, lighten the shadows and make the walls of your adversity become small and fragile.

Images courtesy of Puung and Claudia Tremblay.

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