It’s Worth Starting Over

It's worth starting over

All poems carry a message, but some of them manage to touch our soul in a special way and leave no one indifferent. Maybe this is one of them. Every sentence, every word, manages to translate the feelings we all feel on many occasions. These are wise words that directly touch our hearts.

Tiredness often overcomes us. It seems that our strength has run out and we can’t do anything else. We are tired of our neighbors, our boss, our children’s teacher, the daily struggle, others and even ourselves.

We are tired of working without rest. There are times when we even think about giving up, but everything passes. We have to believe it’s just a phase, and soon we’ll be strong again.

the error and the failure

Of course, we make a lot of mistakes and we’ve already failed many times. Trying not to make mistakes leads to an exaggerated self-demanding that can hurt us. It can even plunge our self-esteem into a deep well. Believe in yourself. Learn from your mistakes, your failures, and start over. Who said you don’t have the right to make mistakes? Perhaps your worst critic is yourself.

the betrayal

We’ve all felt betrayed many times, and even if we don’t realize it, we’ve betrayed too. Perhaps betrayal and indifference are two of the issues that concern us most.

But why did he do this to me? Why did you behave that way? Maybe it’s a waste of time to think about all the betrayals we’ve suffered.

ingratitude and misunderstandings

We all want to be understood and accepted. We expect a thank you, even if it is a simple smile. But often we receive neither gratitude nor understanding, and we feel sad. We stop believing in the world and in people.

But we must always start over; we can find new people who value us as we really are. Life goes on and we cannot be stuck with our mistakes. It is necessary to start over.

Even if you feel tired;

even if the victory leaves you;

How often do we feel tired of fighting and feel like we’ve lost every battle? It’s a bitter and deep feeling.

even if you regret a mistake;

even if your business goes down;

We all make good and bad decisions. That’s life; assume your mistakes and start strong again.

even if a betrayal hurts him;

even if an illusion ends;

How many disappointments do we have throughout our lives? With friends, with colleagues… We are not perfect and we all make mistakes. But we must regain the confidence and enthusiasm to move forward.

It's worth starting over

even if the pain burns your eyes;

even if your efforts are ignored;

even if ingratitude is your payment;

even if incomprehension erases your smile;

even if everything looks like nothing;

There are times when we don’t feel valued, dear, loved. It seems that nothing and no one understands us. And we feel alone; very lonely. But, as the end of the poem says…

Start over!

– Cecilia Prezioso –

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