I Don’t Need You, But I Want To Be By Your Side

I don't need you but I want to be by your side

‘I don’t need you, but I want to be by your side’ is the incredible phrase that reflects that we are sure of what we feel for another person, but we are not dependent on them  because we are clear about who we are and where we are going.

When we are aware that we love our partner, but at the same time we do not need him to be happy,  we are practicing a healthy and mature love,  one in which independence reigns and the other is not there to cover our emptiness or needs.

couple under starry sky

I respect your freedom, but I want to be by your side

Mature love respects the freedom of the other and, moreover, values ​​it above all,  because what rewards is not tying or chaining, but letting it fly for the other to choose us. So, from this vision of love, each of us has a series of freedoms:

  • Freedom to choose:  Each person enjoys the ability and the right to choose their path, even if they have a very strong relationship with someone.
  • Freedom to Feel:  Despite this deep connection with each other, everyone has their own emotions and there is a mutual respect, as we all live experiences in different ways and build reality in our own way.
  • Freedom to express:  Each person expresses what they feel and think in a certain way. as culture and experiences influence the way we were raised.

Therefore, when we have a relationship with another person, whether love, friendship or family, we have to know that  the freedom of the other is important and, therefore, we must respect their decisions.

Love and freedom are not in competition. In fact, the latter breaks down when we demand the other to change.

Painting with hand holding heart

I know where to navigate, but I want to be by your side

Knowing that in a relationship we have different opinions and goals allows us not to depend on the other person because:

  • We value what we are:  We know ourselves and understand that we are as valuable as others. We don’t need your approval.
  • We know we can follow our plans:  A healthy relationship does not prevent each member from having their individual goals and their own path.
  • We understand that we cannot be together at all costs:  When the person next to us cannot be close because they have to pursue their goals, we understand and support them.

Thus, if we are clear about what we want and where we are going, we will be able to understand that  affection does not imply that our choices depend on the choices of those we love. Because although we share a common path, we also have our own paths, and in these we are the ones who make the decisions.

In love playing hearts at each other

I can live without you but I want to be by your side

‘I can live without you, but I want to be by your side’ is another phrase that reflects the feelings we have towards the other person we respect. Above all, we want you to be free to fulfill your dreams. Because as much as we enjoy being by her side, we understand that she wants or needs to be far away.

Now, with mature love we also know that we don’t need the other person to live,  even if we want to be with them. This does not mean that we do not feel pain or feel bad at some point, but that, despite this, we will not follow any kind of manipulative strategy towards the other person because we understand that they have their own life and therefore their desires and choices .

The world will not end if those we love are no longer by our side. We will always have more areas to work in, more fields to explore, more places to meet other people, the world, and definitely, to get to know ourselves.

Happiness does not depend on the outside, but on our inside, because it is an attitude towards life, a choice. And for that, the best strategy is to be okay with ourselves. In addition, we will also be good with others, because we will not build bonds with them out of necessity, but because we decided to do so; they will not fill our gaps or cover our needs, they will simply accompany us on our way.

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