Don’t Let Others Cast Their Negativity On You

Don't let others cast their negativity on you

Who hasn’t already received some criticism? We have all, at some point, been victims of people who were envious of our work, who were irritated by our own way of acting or being, who simply felt bad and needed to cast their negativity on someone else. Maybe you too have been to this place once.

A criticism can do us a lot of harm. Depending on the day and how strong our own self-esteem is, we can either ignore it or allow it to affect us. Yes, you are responsible for how all this negativity they’ve thrown at you affects you. Because you can’t control how others act, but you can control how much you’re going to let it affect you.

Whoever criticizes him defines himself

We are not all the same. Your best friend may not be affected by what others say, but you are. To change this, it ‘s important to start looking at the situation in perspective. Why would a person criticize you with the intention of harming you? Maybe she’s criticizing what defines her.

We often project insecurities and fears onto others. Needs that we fire like poison darts towards others, since they are not met or given a solution. In this way, we try to feel better about ourselves. We don’t realize that instead of solving the problem, we’re running away from it.


Every time someone throws all their negativity on you, think of it as a defense mechanism. This person is trying to defend himself against all those impulses, actions and thoughts that he does not want to recognize as his own. Your inner denial causes you to throw them at you so that you don’t have to take them on, accept them, and resolve them.

Let’s look at an example. Think of romantic relationships, where one member accuses the other person of being unfaithful, without really having evidence to suspect that this is true. For this situation there can be many explanations.

What actually happens in this situation is that the accusing person has had unfaithful thoughts but does not accept them because he considers them negative. In his need to feel better, he projects this insecurity onto his partner : he transfers his fear to thoughts he does not know how to manage.

But what matters here is how you’re going to act. Are you going to allow all this negativity they’re throwing at you to take over? If you keep this person by your side who throws offensive words, if instead of refusing to do something you want, you do it because otherwise they will look at you crossly or criticize you, do you expect to feel good?

bird-girl sitting on strings

Learn to fight negativism

It is sometimes difficult to remain calm in front of a person who is not behaving well with you. However, you need to make an effort, as this will be your best weapon to prevent the other person’s fears and insecurities from affecting you. In this way, you will also be able to better assess the reasons that might lead her to do this. In the best case, it might even get something positive out of the situation.

Do you know the best way to not worry too much about a situation like this? Laughing may sound absurd, but it will be a fundamental tool. A smile in a difficult time can help us, believe it or not. Start putting this into practice from today and you will discover how any criticism or judgment will have much less emotional impact.

Likewise, don’t forget that a review is just an opinion. Therefore, it should not affect you in a major way, as not everyone can have the same view on a circumstance or action. Besides, how many times has someone criticized you without actually knowing you?


It is also very important that you pay attention to how the person who is criticizing you behaves. Usually, people who project needs or thoughts onto others are very emotional.  His words overflow with emotions that make everything seem more serious than it actually is.

When this happens, you will be facing a person whose words are not directed at you, but at himself. It’s projecting your fears and insecurities onto you, but you don’t have a problem, you’re not doing anything wrong. It is she who is afraid to accept what she does not consider right, but which floods her thoughts.

Throughout your life you will come across many people who fit this description. Many will be toxic people who can fill your life not only with negativity but also with harmful and harmful emotions and feelings that go against you. The best way not to let this happen is to stay calm and trust yourself.

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