Happiness Is Built Of Little Things

Happiness is built of little things

Happiness involves a very broad concept that cannot be expressed in brief words. Throughout life, we rely on the false idea of ​​happiness, that it must be accompanied by the accumulation of material goods, when in fact it is in small things.

We cannot deny that people need basic material items to live happily. After all, well-being comes with happiness and vice versa. Having a job is essential to cover these basic needs that generate expenses. Still, we must also be aware that the material will not always cover all of our complex needs as human beings.

We all have aspirations, needs that promote emotional health such as love, resilience, personal satisfaction, daily well-being, tranquility, emotional balance, dreams, a sense of accomplishment… Untouchable goods that cannot be obtained with money.

As the famous phrase says: “Happiness is not a goal, but a path that we have to build day after day”.

True happiness is hidden in the little things

happiness is in the little things

Surely you must know more than one person who, daily, talks about their projects as final goals to achieve their authentic happiness.

They project their happiness into a more or less near future, but how are we living our present? And how far can we plan for happiness?

It’s great to have goals, but never as obstacles to our own happiness. It is worth reviewing the following aspects:

  • What really matters is the “here and now”, the moment you are living, the path you are walking and that deserves to be walked with happiness, balance and tranquility.
  • The future doesn’t exist yet. We can set personal and professional goals that motivate us, but until the day comes when we will achieve everything we desire, we can still be happy under these circumstances. Every day advance towards the goals will be worth it because we will be happy.
  • Happiness is not something that is found casually, nor is it a momentary and ephemeral state. Happiness is built and found in little things, those that can be seemingly insignificant.

Stop for a moment and reflect on this look you have been projecting into the future and observe what you have around you:

Family, friends who make us laugh, someone who reaches out to support us, children’s laughter, health (physical, mental and spiritual), pets, lonely moments to plan, the heat of the sun, the smell of plants, waking up in the morning, reading a book, the freedom to walk freely and run in the rain… all this, even if you don’t believe it, is happiness.

There is no magic recipe for happiness, let’s be clear about that. We also have to be aware that happiness is not always permanent: there are curves, falls, small and big obstacles on the way that sometimes make us stumble and can make us discouraged.

There is no life without pain and there is no more effective remedy than suffering to know what happiness is.  Therefore, what we should value most is tranquility, serenity to be well with those we love and with ourselves.

Simple happiness is the most rewarding, but not everyone knows or can see it.

There will always be those who only aspire to be able to accumulate things, and even collect people… but their hearts will remain empty. No matter what effort you make, your happiness will always be ephemeral because you are unable to understand the real secret of this life: living peacefully, appreciating the little things, and feeling good about yourself. Learn to be humble and happy with everything around you.

What is happiness to you?

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