21 Strategies To Earn Your Child’s Respect

Many parents think their children are obligated to respect them. However, respect is something that is earned daily. In this article, we share some strategies for doing this.
21 strategies to earn your child's respect

The way children and young people talk can be quite impulsive in nature. However, this does not mean that they can respond in a rude and disrespectful way, especially to their parents and teachers. Despite this, they often seem to have little or no respect for adults. If you are a parent, you must know that you can earn your child’s respect, and that you must do so despite great obstacles. 

Many parents think that just because they are their parents, their children should respect them. This may be true, at least in part. There is no doubt that respect is something that must be shown to everyone around us. However, your child’s respect is not something that is required, it is something that is earned. 

How to earn your child’s respect

As parents, we expect our children to respect us. However, we must also earn that respect. The relationship with children can be complicated in some cases, but it is the parents who must earn this respect, and not expect obligation to dictate their children’s attitude and behavior.

The bad news is that respect is hard to earn when our behavior doesn’t deserve it, and even harder to regain when it’s been lost. The good news is that it’s never too late, even if you need to acknowledge your mistakes and be humble.

How to earn your child's respect

These are  some of the most important keys to earning your child’s respect, day after day.

  • Respect your children. Children imitate what you do. If you respect them, they will respect you.
  • The relationship is more important than the rules. Rules are important, but they cannot be more important than your relationship with your children.
  • Set clear expectations. When expectations are clear, there is no room for misunderstanding. This reduces the amount of conflict.
  • Be a person of integrity. Be honest in your conversations with your children and in all your relationships. They learn from it all.
  • Take a position of leadership in the family. Set an example, lead the way, motivate your children, be compassionate. In short, be a good leader.
  • Share your values ​​and beliefs with your children. You can’t force your kids to adopt your beliefs, but when they understand why you believe what you believe, they recognize that you are a principled person.
  • Be reasonable, especially when your kids aren’t. Remember that how you behave when you are angry is how they will behave when they are angry too.
  • Don’t be too critical of your kids. When parents are very critical, their children start to avoid challenges. As a result, they can begin to undertake their projects in secret, knowing that they will receive nothing from sharing them, only criticism.
  • Listen to your children. A key part of being respectful is listening to the other person. If you listen to your children, they are more likely to listen to you too. Think you’re their role model.
mother and son talking
  • Involve your children in the process of setting rules and boundaries. When you involve your kids in setting rules, they feel valued. Listen to their points of view and take them into account, without losing sight of the boundaries you are unwilling to negotiate with. It is about being flexible, but not going beyond the point where education breaks down.
  • Be an example to follow. Your kids are watching you, even if you don’t realize it. Demonstrate the behavior you want to see in them and practice what you preach.
  • Recognize your children’s effort and good behavior. It is important to recognize your effort, even in situations where the result is not ideal.
  • Ask your children for opinions about things that affect them. They will appreciate the gesture and feel important.
  • Don’t assume you understand how your children feel. Even if you think you understand what they’re going through, let your kids explain what’s happening to them. Don’t lecture them on your feelings from your experience.
  • Keep calm. Show your kids that you can control your emotions.
  • Don’t threaten your children. This increases discussions and creates an atmosphere in which respect does not flourish. Instead of threatening them, get them involved.
  • Give them options. Allowing your children to make decisions gives them power as well as a sense of control and ownership over their lives.
  • Show interest in what matters to your children. Your activities, your friends, your tastes… You don’t have to agree with everything, but never judge them.
  • Do fun things with your kids. Fun times will help you form strong bonds with your children.
  • Do not give unsolicited advice. If your kids are having a problem, don’t give unsolicited advice unless it’s absolutely necessary. It is best to help them think through the problem.
  • Respect your spouse and your own parents. That’s the best example you can give.

It’s not just a matter of setting an example. Respect for oneself, for others and for the environment is the basis not only of all good education, but also of all happy and mentally healthy growth.

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