I Love People Who Make Brave Decisions In Difficult Times

I love people who make courageous decisions in tough times

I love people who make courageous decisions in difficult times.  Those who choose what they really want over what others think is logical or coherent ; moreover, they do it when it’s more difficult, when it seems that everything is against them, and they still say: “ If anyone bets on me, it’s me ”. I like people who respectfully free themselves from those chains we all seem to have with those who helped us; who do not mix this debt, if it exists, with their freedom.

We’ve all had this feeling that we identify in children: many, when their parents buy a toy, they become more obedient. Not because they want another, but because they have integrated the principle of reciprocity into their way of acting. Otherwise, there are many parents who remember this, which we will call here “debt”. “Hey, you can’t misbehave because I bought the toy!”, “Today we had fun in the park, so you have to clean your room!”.

a valley of tears

honest and sincere

People who make bold decisions in tough times are often honest and refuse to be in two places at once when they can’t. Those who decide “this is my card and I play”. They are wonderful because they respond to and nurture the most powerful strength they possess.  The life force.

I love those people who know how to define themselves, who have clear priorities, and understand that, at times, maintaining those priorities means making sacrifices. And they do, even though what’s lost or left behind hurts.

Whether it’s because they put the family in front of everything, and don’t want to miss out on the wonderful routines they’ve created with them for the most attractive offer in the world; either because they are very clear in their minds that work comes first and are willing to move from city to city to do what they like.

People who make courageous decisions in difficult times are honest with themselves and don’t pretend or aspire to put a patch where they can’t reach, don’t pretend to look like they aren’t.  They say, “Okay, the day is 24 hours and not 48”, so they don’t try to get more than that. They don’t force themselves, they don’t force others to go where they can’t go. They don’t chase the clock: they do it when they want. If they know they don’t have time to have children, they either make that time or they don’t, but they don’t make other people into parents or make their own lives a constant sacrifice.

Man with balloon in place of the head

People who make courageous decisions know their lot

When I relate to people capable of making courageous decisions in difficult times, I know what to expect, maybe I like them more or less, but what they say and what they do are honest things. What they say they’re going to try, they try; to what they say no is no.

I love people who can make courageous decisions because they often don’t forget that they are lucky: because their heart is beating, because they harbor hope, because they have a body that is the most perfect and most useful machine that we could never create with technology. Because they breathe; isn’t it good to breathe? In and of itself, by doing this, we need not compare ourselves with those who cannot. We do it for ourselves. Breathe in and out.

I like them because they love life, they are able to build a positive account of their role, to fight for justice, even though this world is not fair and that some people might call you a fool for doing it. They recognize their flaws but don’t stop trying. Little or a lot they try to use all their skills and take a pretty risk. The good risk of learning.

Fears exist, just like anyone else’s, but they understand it’s part of the game.  That some freeze when he approaches and others get bigger. Try? Why not? The boy doesn’t drop the spoon to see how the hell gravity works? These are people who keep throwing spoons because they have a lot of curiosity. Because they have more faith, therefore, they are able to make bold decisions in difficult times.

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