Don’t Feed The Pain

don't feed the pain

We all go through moments of pain, whether psychological or physical, regardless of degree and time. The same pain is felt differently by each person, whatever their classification. This is a condition that we must seek to understand and respect, as each one has its own time to overcome.

Physical pain, often noticed by all of us because it is associated with an illness, an injury, is easier to be cured with medication and care, which soon takes us out of the storm. Some, because it is a wound that is sometimes more serious, leaves its scar, which, being small, we soon forget, but when the scars are more marked, in most situations it is difficult to forget them.

When the pain is in the soul, which can be either associated with a trauma of physical pain or simply a feeling of rejection, fear, anguish, loss, among many others, we can more easily keep it just for ourselves, therefore not being noticed by those around us. Few people can observe us in silence and thus read what we are feeling.

internal pain

Of course, keeping our feelings there in that little box of the soul is a right, even if it is not the best choice for some of them. Imagine holding grudges, fears, anguish… this will certainly do us great harm.

Pain is something natural

Pain is part of human beings in their journey through life, and avoiding them completely is impossible.

Therefore, the best thing we can do is to try to understand its causes and manage them better, focusing on our well-being. But how to understand and manage if we are immersed in them for days and years, feeding them with our illusions, nostalgia, regrets, disappointments and excuses?  The relationship is over, the person is already with someone else following life, and there we are feeding the pain with the illusion that it will return, giving the excuse that we have not forgotten because we know we are still loved, or that we have not lost hope because we still have feelings.

A friend betrayed our trust with our eyes closed, and we were left to mourn the loss and the disappointment. Each time we return to the subject, we strengthen the pain with these feelings.

Feeding the pain will not make the situation go back to what it was

This will only make it stronger and us weaker to overcome and start a new phase. It is necessary to understand that there is a past to overcome that is no longer part of our life in the now, which entered our history as an experience.

emotional pain

Feeding the pain of what’s gone on won’t help us at all. Of course we all have the right to guard our feelings and take time to deal with them, but to be suffering for longer than necessary is not to open the window of the soul and let a new sun shine, with gratitude for what we have lived, be good or bad, because it certainly gave us the opportunity to mature.

Feeding the pain of homesickness, lost love, the hurt they caused us, the mistakes we made, only leaves us paralyzed in time and even bitter with ourselves and with life, and can even make us sick and reach extreme isolation. Don’t feed the pain because it will get harder and harder to overcome. When we accept with understanding the steps we lived and the feelings we had, we weaken the pain of the illusion and open the door to a new time of living.

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