Love As A Source Of Motivation And Enthusiasm

Love as a source of motivation and enthusiasm

We know that love heals everything, that love heals wounds and creates new visions of the future, but… what happens when we are the ones who love or feel loved? When we love someone and the other feels loved, a feeling of acceptance and trust is formed that provides the ideal motivation to give our best and be a better person. Love as a source of motivation and enthusiasm makes us better.

Being loved makes us feel secure, believe in ourselves, and trust our potential. Unconditional love generates in us an engine, which opens doors and possibilities of expression. Feeling loved is a reinforcement that improves our well-being, as it means that someone enjoys our company the way we are. That’s why love invites us to show ourselves sincerely and authentically.

Love gives us life and makes us shine, love makes us trust and develop our potential. It makes us better and helps our abilities to grow without prejudice and without fear of showing them. It doesn’t have to be the love between couples that revitalizes us, for, for example, the love that parents show their children also helps them to grow up with confidence and security.

The brain of those who have and express love

Human brain

When we love, we generate in each other a wonderful feeling of peace and security. We expect the best from the other and trust that they will respond to us in the same way, without projecting fears or mistrust, just our best wishes and the positive we see in those we appreciate. When we offer love, we promote good self-esteem thanks to the bubble of calm and tranquility we create in this exchange.

What actually happens in the brain when we love? Thanks to neuroimaging techniques, Andreas Bartels and Semir Zeki, from University College London, carried out a study in which they observed the brain activity of some people when they saw pictures of their loved ones and when they saw pictures of their friends in order to study the differences. and compare them.

They found, thanks to this technique and this study, that when we fall in love or feel love for our children, we disconnect parts of the brain related to other emotions and, above all, to our capacity for social criticism.

They also noted that when we look at our loved one, there are parts of the prefrontal cortex and certain areas related to aggression, fear, or planning that get disconnected. This affects our judgment, as we tend to trust more and be less rigorous with our social judgment. We could say with this that our brain is programmed, when we love, to see the good in the other.

Love as a source of motivation to be better

Scientists claim that “human attachment uses a mechanism that overcomes social distance, deactivating connected circuits for negative emotions and critical social evaluation, and unites individuals through the reward circuit, which explains the power of love as a source of motivation and enthusiasm”.

father sleeping with his baby

Therefore, we can say that loving makes us better people. Love gives us strength to face new challenges, as it brings us a person to our side who trusts us, who helps us to improve our potential to follow and strive.

By loving, we have the opportunity to create all this in the other; therefore, when we project our love, we generate the best sensations and the best of us in the other. Both loving and being loved give us the opportunity to improve and develop security frameworks within us. So what are you waiting to love?

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