Do You Know Your Weaknesses?

Do you know your weaknesses?

As human beings, we are full of virtues, but also full of flaws. We all have our own weaknesses, but are they also the enemy’s weaknesses? Often, the path to achieving our goals “darkens” as it sometimes makes us feel distressed, disappointed in ourselves, and a little bit of failure. Ultimately, it can be said that weaknesses hinder our development as the “growing people” we want to be.

Here  are some steps needed to learn to know yourself, being able to see the whole picture that you are. That is, visualizing those areas that you like, but also learning to discover those other “dark” areas that we all have:

Don’t think you’re free from weaknesses

Thinking of yourself as almost perfect and free from weakness is a big mistake. However, many see themselves that way. This has to do with the ability to perceive this phenomenon. Ever wonder how those around you take things? How does humanity catalog those who believe they are free from guilt, faults and weaknesses? With this attitude you will only elevate your  ego , but your chances of improving something – which may be hurting both yourself and others – will decrease.

Recognizing our weaknesses is already a profit

This part of the process is a little hard for us. Honestly analyzing what your weaknesses are and how they influence your life in a negative way is very difficult. But just recognizing them is good.  How do these weaknesses affect your life? Do they resonate negatively with the people closest to you, or the ones you care about most? If this is your case and you want to reverse the situation, do what you need to calmly analyze everything.

Admit that you might need help

It is not always enough to recognize weaknesses, be aware and want a transformation in our lives. Many people fall on the precipice of their unbalanced emotions, at one time or another, due to lack of willpower, but at other times, due to lack of precise guidance. Many have the “best intentions” of making a change in their lives, but they are unable to take the next step. This is where a helping hand, a mentor, is needed. Perhaps someone close to your family can guide you. In other cases, however, you may need to get professional assistance.

make your own plan

You may feel good even though you know what your weaknesses are and how they affect your life. It may be that you are not interested in any changes. Or  maybe you want, deep in your heart, to turn your life around. If this is the case, the key is to work around these weaknesses.

Don’t be too demanding on yourself. Start with simple tasks. Good advice is to involve a friend whenever you can. Discuss your purposes with someone you trust; therefore there is a level of commitment growing around this activity.

Remember that weaknesses sometimes prevent us from making accurate decisions. It’s necessary that you feel able to overcome them, but it’s also important to embark on one change at a time, that is, one big project. Now that you’re more focused, you’ve thought it through, you know how to control, you just need to take the first step…

Image Credits: Hartwig HKD

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