There Is A Story Behind Each Person

There is a story behind every person

There is a story behind each person, thoughts behind their expressions, emotions behind their feeling and a soul under their skin.

Each of us, along this path that is life, goes through moments, experiences and meets people  who inevitably leave their footprints in some part of us. Even those circumstances or people, which we believe would go unnoticed, seem to resurface later in our lives somehow.

Everything that happens, somehow, influences and colors our experience and our way of feeling, sometimes intensely and sometimes only superficially; sometimes consciously, and sometimes without realizing it… they give us lights and shadows, and also intermediate tones.

Therefore, when you observe someone and think that they have an unexpected or inexplicable behavior, I ask: what is the use of giving its interpretation or its meaning?

You will only understand it according to your vision, which is nothing more than what is made up of your experiences and experiences. But what do you really know about each other?  What do you know about the way you feel?

If it’s hard to get into the depths of yourself right away and try to get to know yourself, how do you know what the intentions or motivations of others are? Or how is this person living this situation?

We spend half our lives trying to figure them out, and almost the other half judging their behavior, as if it wasn’t enough to figure it out.

Each person has their own history and shows sensitivity to some aspects more than others ; like you, like me… If it’s easy or simple for you to face a certain situation or express yourself in a certain way, it doesn’t mean that for the other it also has to be like that…

There is a story behind every person

“If I were Maria, I would rest more…”, “I don’t understand how Raul doesn’t leave his wife, I couldn’t stand her”, “I would be unable to lead a life like Cristina…”

Maybe this person had a mother who constantly reproached her and for whom nothing was ever enough, and so she needed to do everything perfectly, feeling that she could always get better… or maybe she had a relationship full of criticisms about her person. and now he is unable to show himself as he really is…

Another person may have wanted the affection of their parents so much that they turned into a love-hunter and constant love, or, on the contrary, they are reluctant to receive it…

It’s normal to feel that if you were in other people’s situation you would do things differently… Turns out you’re not that other person, you haven’t lived your life… You just know a little about your own. And I say a little, because sometimes we think that we are going to react in a certain way and when we find ourselves in the situation we behave in a totally different way…

It is necessary to look beyond the obvious and the surface and take into account that each person has their own story; a set of experiences, feelings, emotions, encounters, biological and personal variables, to which it is necessary to add the power of the situation, the context…

We are nobody to do it and it cannot be expected that in just one conversation it is possible to convey all the feelings of a person ; sometimes because the right words are not found, sometimes because, by designating certain words, we are already limiting the experience….

On the other hand, listening to the other and bearing in mind that they have been shaped by stories, experiences and feelings will help you to try to understand them. And if you can’t do that, it doesn’t mean it’s a problem; perhaps, due to your history, this is impossible for you at the moment.

Just remember that behind every skin there is also a person, a strong but also sensitive soul who has its wounds and scars, who has its story.

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