Whatever Has To Be Will Be, In Its Time And Its Moment

Whatever has to be will be, in its own time and in its moment

Whatever has to be will be, in its own time and in its moment, because the destination is uncertain and sometimes the winds simply do not blow in our favor, nor are our sails ready to be hoisted, despite our efforts.

They say that the best things are not planned, that they just happen and that it is better not to press time. Because if something really must happen, it will happen somehow. And if something shouldn’t be done, it won’t be done. It’s simple.

The fact that things are simpler than they appear at first sight opens up a wide range of possibilities for us to enjoy life from another perspective, much more relaxed and in keeping with our well-being.



Everything passes, everything arrives, everything changes

We are probably all in agreement that we are the product of our circumstances and our desires. Sometimes, however, the two are incompatible, or it’s hard for us to digest the consequences they carry. This generates concerns that bring us anguish and, as they say, embitter our existence.

It’s true that yes, it seems obvious that we shouldn’t worry about what we can’t solve, but relaxing, letting go and keeping calm can be practically impossible at certain times.

So perhaps what we should learn is that there are certain things that are beyond our control and that on many occasions letting life flow, and accepting circumstances is the best option available.



We are not armor, we are breath

We are what we digest, the rocks we stumble over, the bruises we don’t heal from, and the tragic ends of our lives. We are not just smiles, joys or truths, we are also lies ( the ones that tell us and the ones we tell ), we are the criticisms and tears that we do not cry.

That’s why it’s difficult to understand everything that makes us up. But that doesn’t mean that we have to be suspicious of happiness or, simply, the casualties of life.


This will help us not to miss the train and not regret what we lost through our restless mania for hastily punctuating texts in pen. When there has to be a full stop, so be it, but let’s respect the ellipses, commas and semicolons.

They say that what doesn’t kill makes you stronger, and that it’s precisely this impulse that helps you run miles and miles of stone paths with your bare feet. The truth is, the key is to scrutinize our mistakes and harness the winds of change.

wind-sitting woman

Remember that those parts of yourself that you don’t usually connect with lose the strength they need to activate. So do n’t let life go by while you watch your watch battery run out, don’t roll back.

Continuing, learn to relax, to look through a magnifying glass at those thoughts that arise and to contemplate life patiently. Don’t try to plan every millimeter of your route, sometimes we just need to blur the camera and let ourselves be carried away by the casualties of life.

Recommended reading:

  • Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1997). Flow: a psychology of happiness. Barcelona: Kairos. 9788472453722

  • Luciano, C. and Valdivia, S. (2006). Therapy of Acceptance and Commitment (ACT). Fundamentals, characteristics and evidence. Papeles del Psicólogo , 27(2), 79-91.

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