While I’m There, Life Is Passing Through Here

While I'm there, life is passing through here.

I suddenly looked into the moment and realized I wasn’t there. I wasn’t experiencing anything, absolutely nothing that was going on in my life. My thoughts were all on the day of the trip or even when this relationship would stay that way, or the bills that would arrive next week and how I would go about paying. I was distant from myself and was living distracted, random, almost a puppet. It turns out that God has a loving way of showing us the direction and making us understand the essentials. I don’t know when the first awareness happened, but something bigger opened up for me to understand the dimension of all the events.

I’m sure that at some point in your life you moved from your house to work without realizing that you were doing it, and when you arrived at your destination you didn’t remember anything about the path you took. Who never? The autopilot is a joy for the ego that doesn’t want to wake up, the ego that has been talked about so much, is your self most disconnected from the source, your self that doesn’t want anything to happen that causes great internal revolutions. Your ego wants the comfort of living randomly, not wanting to understand the great fascination of living.

not wasting time in life

The farthest way from here is there. While we’re in the car waiting for the traffic to settle down, our active mind is paying the bills, doing the month’s groceries, working out at the gym. You already get tired in the early hours of the day, when I could be purely focused on you, trying to understand your feelings, working lightly, looking internally for something you never knew about your being, but you just don’t turn it off, it just goes on and on. in mind what you’re going to do when you get there and all of that results in the evil of the century:  anxiety.

Being in the here and now allows us to see the hike to the top of the mountain, allows us to live the path with its beauties and uncertainties, when I put myself in the here there is nothing left but me, pure and simple: me. That’s why detachment is the watchword and putting it into practice is the smartest attitude. When we are detached from everything else flows, we need to let go of those bonds that bind us to pasts of suffering and uncertain futures. Sometimes we collect suffering thinking about the fear of suffering, we nurture empty relationships because, in the future, loneliness can enter through the living room door, so it’s better to continue suffering here while living ‘o there’. I’ll tell you something important: the best is always now, you won’t have memories of there, because there is unreachable and your search is always frustrating and full of unnecessary occupations.

One way to stay present is to take a deep breath and remember that this moment is all you have, it’s where your life is being built and it’s where your experiences of joy or pain will come. For this you can only become aware of everything you have been doing, for example, when you are eating an apple, feel it with all your soul, put yourself present and you will realize that life has taste, has shapes, has gratitude everywhere, there is joy and good people, you will realize that life is much more than what you see on the TV news.

You know that love you’re afraid to live because you don’t know if it’s going to work? Free yourself from your self in the future that is correcting your present, which by chance could not be any other way than this, after all this is your story, this is your great awakening, the moment is now and you inhabit a be amazing. Indulge in the fascinating journey of knowing yourself and I guarantee you, you will understand mysteries and abysses between you that you never thought were there. All this comes from your approach to the here, it is what will allow you to live a full life.

Woman walking on beach with umbrella.

To live a full life you don’t need to go anywhere but inside, a dive inside yourself, knowing the here and now, knowing that the moment is unique and timeless and that everything that is there is not the same as here, neither are you the same person. The best thing is to live now, with awareness and responsibility for your walk, knowing that every day has its magical moments, that each second has in itself the best way to be; it does not carry the imperfect past or the past tense future, it has in it a great present and period.

Just a caveat: living in the now doesn’t exclude your responsibility regardless of life, on the contrary, it does include taking responsibility for everything that’s happening, knowing you’re not to blame for anything. Guilt doesn’t have to exist, but responsibility is transformative, liberating, and essential to fully living in the moment. All of this opens up as you allow your greater self to expand.

And there’s so much good to live now, it’s so many seconds in a minute to be you, free, happy, and the magical moments that can change everything else you once believed could be your future. Therefore, there is no other option: live fully in the present, it always leads you to the best version of its story.

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