How Are You Feeding Your Mind?

What you see, what you hear, what you think, the people around you… it’s all feeding your mind and embodying your definition (self-concept). Are you choosing this food wisely?
How are you feeding your mind?

If someone asks what you normally nourish your body with, you will probably be able to respond quickly. Perhaps you talk about your conscious effort to eat more organic products, to eat more fruits and vegetables, or perhaps you admit to consuming more processed foods than recommended. However, you may find it more difficult to answer the question “what are you feeding your mind?” . We are talking about an issue that many of us are not paying attention to.

Without realizing it, you are continually feeding your mind. What you think, what you see, what you hear, what you do… it’s all feeding you from the inside and making you who you are.

Do you feel happy and positive? Are you feeling overwhelmed, angry and pessimistic? Do you feel worried or grateful? Every second, the information that comes in from within and without is shaping you, but are you aware of the quality of this information?

woman breathing outdoors


We internalize a concept of happiness that is based on achieving goals and achieving success. However, true well-being comes from reaching a state of peace and inner calm. It is not an easy thing to achieve and it requires perseverance and training on our part, as it is not something we are used to.

Therefore,  spend at least half an hour a day to provide yourself with moments of silence, stillness and presence. Breathe, practice meditation, take a walk in nature… Just allow yourself to connect with yourself without outside distractions. This short period of time will be enough to generate visible changes in your mood and your anxiety levels.


If we were aware of the power of our thoughts, we would not leave them to chance. What you think determines how you feel, how you regard yourself and others, what you expect from life and the future…

We tend to believe that our thoughts are a direct consequence of our reality: “ If something goes wrong, I will have negative thoughts . ”  The truth is that at each moment we have the power to choose our thoughts and thus direct our lives.

Are you feeding your mind with optimism, positivity and understanding? Or, on the contrary, is it feeding pessimistic, victimistic, critical and exaggerated thoughts?

What kind of information are you feeding your mind?

Every day we access vast amounts of information, both voluntarily and involuntarily. The programs we choose to watch on television, the songs we listen to, the books we read…  all of these have a beneficial or detrimental impact.

What is the content you consume, the information you seek? What kind of emotions does this arouse in you? What words do you use? Before choosing, imagine that your mind is like a computer that will program itself with what it receives.

That way, you have the possibility to program yourself for happiness, love, fun and gratitude, not for the injustices, misfortunes and darker aspects of life. Remember that this information will continue to work within you once you close the book and turn off the radio or television.


Lastly, you should know that we are the sum of the five people we interact with most often. That’s why it’s important to be surrounded by human beings who inspire us, motivate us, appreciate us and respect us.

If you want to become a kind, responsible, happy or positive person, choose companies that give you what you want to reflect . Nothing drains our energy as much as manipulative, negative people.

friends talking

Live feeding your mind consciously

We tend to walk through life on autopilot without paying much attention to the aspects mentioned. Therefore, it is necessary to make a conscious effort to  start deliberately choosing what we want to allow in our life.

Pay attention to the people around you, the activities you do daily, the thoughts you tend to have. Are they a nutritious, healthy, and enriching mental food? Do they help shape the person you want to be and the environment you want to be a part of? To a large extent, a healthy mind, a positive frame of mind, and a satisfying life depend on these little choices we make every day ; don’t renounce your power.

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