The Real Character An Hour Comes Up

The real character one hour comes up

Being yourself when most people think like you, where the environment is right, is easy. The challenge is to maintain your integrity in a place where most people think and act differently than you do. Even greater challenge: to be able to keep its principles and values ​​unchanged, not to be corrupted where adversity prevails. Of course, you have to be very aware and sure of who you are and what you think in order not to be part of the group or look like one more in the middle of the “herd”.

Those who live in fear all the time, with their feet behind them, do not build, do not change, do not live, do not walk, and are still maneuvered!

Of course, it is always prudent to act cautiously with people and situations we don’t know, especially when we suspect something. Many people convey an image that is far removed from their true essence, perhaps because they think the character they wear is much more interesting than they are in reality. It may be that even they don’t accept themselves the way they are.

be true to character

It is often necessary to take a break and wait for the other to show himself, undress or give indications of what he intends to do. It is not wise to deduce or judge in advance, as we can reach wrong conclusions and be flippant. We need to have patience and temperance, because sooner or later people show themselves. Nobody spends all their time pretending what they’re not. It takes work to disguise yourself, putting on the “fantasy” and the “mask” every day, it takes time and energy. If that doesn’t happen at the moment, the way is to wait. It doesn’t take long, and we’ll soon know who the guy is and what he came for.

Impressive, but hardly anyone escapes. All that’s needed is an opportunity and, promptly, the person undresses, and one of its facets presents itself in front of us, the way it always was and is. She shows us if she is educated, if she is integrated, if she has character, if she is considerate, if she is trustworthy… I think that times of difficulty allow us to see who people really are, because what they have always hidden comes to the surface, there is no nor the varnish. It is also the opportunity we have to see who our true friends are, because there are many companies to have fun, drink beer, barbecue and play cards, always ready, available.

These people think they are smarter, smarter than others and still think that others are silly and can be manipulated with some ease, that they will never discover their true facet, that’s why they live giving us fools attestation… They believe they deceive with attitudes, with false lines and smiles, with a bunch of half-truths or with the nonsense they say… Unfortunately, appearing to be someone is not enough, and most do. To be a real person, you have to demonstrate and do where. It is necessary to have firm, solid and non-malleable principles according to the situation or convenience, or the individual has them or not, it is not possible to invent in an emergency circumstance.

Good character

Character is not a muscle that flexes according to the moment or interest, nor is it mutable.

It requires a good education, a solid foundation and many good examples if we are to pass it on. All this does not depend on financial situation, as there are very simple and educated poor and very rich uneducated and rude. Likewise, honesty is not tied to equity or money. You can’t be half honest; either the guy is honest and decent, or he’s not. It is a fact that these values ​​are becoming more and more rare, it is not for everyone, I would say for very few.

Great people, not pretentious ones, are recognized in their small attitudes, small gestures, details, subtleties, minutiae… They are simple, clear, direct, honest, they do not trick, deceive or try to “sell” us something that don’t even have to deliver. Those who pretend all the time are pure deception, but everyone is everyone!

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