The Wizard And His Sheep, An Inspiring Oriental Tale

The Wizard and His Sheep, an Inspiring Oriental Tale

This inspiring oriental tale tells of three good men who lived with their families in a region where water was scarce. On one occasion, a summer was so dry that there was a worrying shortage of water. Nobody knew what to do.

The three men were good friends and always helped each other. So they got together one night to think of a solution to that drought. The three came to the conclusion that it was necessary to go to the nearest village, which was four days away, to buy water there.

The men passed on the idea to the entire community. Despite the fact that everyone was in need of water, no one dared to accompany them. That’s how the three left that morning, with little food but willing to fulfill their mission.

If they didn’t, there was a risk of death for everyone. So, they should intelligently ration their provisions in order to complete the crossing.

Plenty of water

This ancient and inspiring oriental tale tells that the three men walked purposefully, without stopping to rest, for four days. They arrived sweaty and tired at the nearest village, but they were happy. They were about to complete their noble mission successfully.

water falling from a pot

The locals gave the foreigners lodging and food that night. The three friends were very grateful, the people were very kind. The next day, they filled their clay pots with fresh water. They took all the water the workhorses could handle.

Residents did not want to charge the men for the liquid, so precious to them. The protagonists of this inspiring oriental tale felt even happier.

The villagers themselves suggested that they make their way back at night. The sun was very strong on those summer days, and it was very tiring to walk in its rays and heat. The three men accepted the suggestion and, that same night, began their march home. They were guided by the stars, the night was very clear.

The most important moment in this inspiring oriental tale

When it was almost dawn, the men decided to sit and rest for a few hours while the simmering sun began to rise. They did so until mid-afternoon, when they got back on their way. They thought they were already halfway there, and so they were excited to think of their people receiving them happy.

At dawn, however, they noticed that they were in a place they had never been to before. They tried to locate themselves, but they couldn’t. They were on a path they were completely unaware of. They walked to one side, to the other, but they could not locate themselves and know where they were. The worst thing was that there was no one in sight, they were lost and didn’t know where to go and how to get out of there.

The three men got a little desperate, and tried to calm down to sort out their minds. They stayed like that until the sun started to set. They started walking along the route that seemed to be the most correct, but they remained lost. And so three days passed. Lost. Supplies had run out, and the farther they strayed to find their way back, the more they seemed to get away from it all.

an unexpected exit

As they descended a mountain, they soon saw that there was a withered tree but from which hung a fruit. It was, however, a small fruit, and the three ran to get it. They didn’t know how to divide it, it wasn’t enough food even for one person. They were in this dilemma when they saw a shepherd approaching with some sheep. He was an elderly man and looked friendly.

apple hanging on tree

The man greeted them. Seeing them so exhausted, he asked what was going on and they told you. The old man then confessed that he was a magician, and that he could help them solve the problem. For this, each one had to propose a solution so that the three could take advantage of the fruit. Only in the face of a correct solution, which would honor the friendship of the three, would the magician help them.

According to the story of this inspiring oriental tale, the first man said to the wizard, “If you have magical powers, make more food appear.” The wizard reproached him. No solution should come through magical apparitions. The second man then said, “Make the fruit bigger so we can eat all three.” The wizard also reproached him. True solutions are not born by changing the external, but the internal.

It was then that the third man said, “Make us smaller, and in that way the fruit will serve everyone.” The wizard was pleased. “When we are in serious trouble, the solution will always be to become smaller, more humble.”

Then the man took two steps and disappeared. The sheep stayed there, as a gift for the three men. A heavy rain began to fall, and when it finally dissipated, the three friends noticed that they were very close to their homes.

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