When Ignorance Criticizes, Intelligence Watches And Laughs

When ignorance criticizes, intelligence observes and laughs

Sometimes, those who remain silent in the face of criticism, envy or provocation do not do it for lack of arguments or courage. What happens is that when ignorance speaks, intelligence shuts up, laughs and turns away.

We all know that remaining calm and restrained when we receive criticism or criticism is not easy. So much so that according to a survey published in USA Today magazine , 70% of people feel hurt in the face of criticism, 20% face it and reject it angrily, and only 10% reflect on it and let it go when it comes. of simple ignorance.

One of the reasons it’s so hard to accept criticism is because people need to feel accepted and approved. One criticism is the loss of that subtle personal balance stitched together by pride. But when a critique is based on the deepest of ignorances, there is no risk to the concept itself.

We should all know that there are arguments that are not worth it. When there are ears that don’t hear and small minds where explanations don’t fit, it’s better to shut up, laugh, and let go.

Ignorance is the seed of intolerance

Let’s start first by focusing on what we refer to as ignorance. We are not talking about lack of culture or knowledge. The most pernicious ignorance is that which lacks proximity, empathy, and sensitivity to put itself in the skin of the other, and where, in addition, there is pleasure in making judgments charged with contempt.

The highest level of ignorance is practiced when we reject something we know nothing about. When even though we know we lack data or information, we prefer to make efforts to maintain our own position rather than go after them. All these attitudes are nothing more than the seed of intolerance, of lack of civility, something that many of us have already experienced in our own skin.

The most complex part of all this is that ignorance is sometimes practiced in our nearest spheres. Fathers, mothers and other close family members who judge the rest without knowing, without even moving to know what interests or needs others have. In these cases, this intolerance hurts, criticism hurts, and the offense bleeds.

heart burden

However, with time the wounds heal, one matures and finally understands many things. He understands that people don’t change, and that whoever didn’t want to take the step from ignorance to knowledge is because he didn’t want to. Faced with these behaviors, there is no other option but to assume the lost battle and maintain the dignity that allows our own soul to be calm. The one who understands that in the end it’s better to shut up, smile smartly, and put distance.

When intelligence is forced to react

It is not always possible or appropriate to choose silence in the face of contempt and hurts. At Sometimes intelligence is forced to react to defend its integrity. She does this because it is sometimes necessary to raise our voice assertively, confidently, and courageously to make it clear where our own limits lie.

Now let’s see in which situations it is convenient to react:

  • In front of the manipulators. When the voice of ignorance crosses the frontier of respect and uses contempt to assert itself and acquire power, action must be taken.
  • We will never allow a manipulator to take over. For that, it is necessary to cut as soon as possible their comments, their contempt and their sharp ironies, at the slightest hint. It must be made very clear that they must never address us in such mean terms.

Another type of common profile is that of professional humiliators. These are people who seek to humiliate us both in public and in private because that is how they acquire power. Sometimes, behind these behaviors, there is also envy as a root.

  • The humiliator is not defeated by humiliation, nor by shouting at him, much less by violence. What wins him is the indifference to discovering that he has no power over us. We made it very clear to him what we thought of his conduct once. Do this emphatically and keeping the eye, being very steady.
  • Later, if you continue with your attitude, we will show you that what you do or say does not affect us, that it has no influence on us.

In conclusion, we all know that the most damaging ignorance is a seed that will always be born in our life paths. But she’s just a weed. Think carefully about which are the battles that deserve to be faced and which are not, because the important thing is never to lose your inner peace, your own calm.

Be skilful, be prudent, and understand that small minds will never understand big dreams, and that there are deaf ears where intelligent words do not fit.

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