5 Tips To Fight Boredom When Studying

5 tips to fight boredom while studying

There will always be some subject that doesn’t interest us, but that we need to learn: either because it’s necessary for our work or it’s part of the specialization we’ve chosen. In that sense, studying something we don’t like can be very tedious. However, there are some keys to combat boredom when studying.

When we study something we don’t like, it seems inevitable that we get bored. There may be many dates, authors or theories that we are not interested in, but we have to learn. In this sense, boredom can lead us to procrastinate and leave the study until the last moment, which will generate a lot of stress and anxiety. To avoid all this, we recommend some strategies.

1. Let’s pique our curiosity to fight boredom when studying

One way to combat boredom when studying is to pique our curiosity. The curiosity helps us learn with relative ease and is an enemy of boredom worse. In fact, if she’s present, it’s more unlikely that something will appear to distract us.

Imagine that we need to study Quevedo, but the book explains everything in a very linear and boring way. What we can do is look for a video, be interested in what happened in his life or, better, go directly to what he wrote. There will certainly be something that catches our attention that we won’t find in books and that will pique our curiosity to know more.

How to fight boredom while studying

2. Study in group

Although in many cases individual study is essential, group study will be a way of not getting bored. In fact, the study can even be more enriching. Imagine, following the example above, that someone in our class loves Quevedo (Spanish writer). We can benefit a lot from this if we study as a group: we can ask some questions and solve some of our doubts.

Group study, moreover, is a way to motivate yourself to study. For example, if we agree that tomorrow we all have to talk about a certain topic, we will create pressure that will help us not to procrastinate.

3. Move while studying

A good way to combat boredom when studying, in addition to improving knowledge assimilation, is to get moving. Surely you know many people who study aloud as they walk around.

This activates us and prevents the drowsiness we feel if we sit without moving for a long time. A basic degree of physiological activation will ward off the feeling of drowsiness while favoring the memorization of new concepts.

4. Set small goals with rewards

Another way to combat boredom when studying is to motivate ourselves with small goals. For example, if we have to study first-degree equations, we can tell ourselves that we won’t get out of our chair until we get it right.

Once we’ve made it, we can reward ourselves for the time we put into that little goal and the success we’ve achieved. We can go for a run, take a walk or eat a piece of chocolate, better if it’s dark chocolate. Afterwards, we can continue with another objective, for example, the quadratic equations.

young man studying on the computer

5- Be creative

The last of the keys to combat boredom when studying is to make use of creativity. This will make the study session more fun. If there’s something we have a hard time learning, like something related to a war if we’re studying history, we can use a post-it note to keep it present and not forget it.

We can also create a song or try to remember a part of a song as if it were a story. In addition, stressing and sketching can help us fight boredom while we study. There are many alternatives.

How do you fight boredom while studying? Have you already used any of the above options? Studying something we don’t like can be difficult, but we can always do something to change that. Perhaps, among the keys mentioned, we will find some that will help us to study better and more effectively from now on.

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