Spend Time: This Is Certainly A Nice Gift

Spend time: this is certainly a nice gift.

It is important that we value the fact that others give us their time, as they are giving us something they will never get back. With these gestures they are saying that they love us, that they value us and that they enjoy our company.

However, it is true that we need to understand the difference between someone who gives us their free time and someone who creates free time to be with us. We cannot compare, even though both situations are moving facts that we should be grateful for.

It’s really great that when someone is too overwhelmed with their daily lives, they take a little back from their obligations to spend time with others. These are moments that are worth keeping because they are shared with people who give us their affection and their willingness to speak the language of affective accompaniment.


How much is an hour of your time worth?

Night had already fallen; however, the little boy struggled to stay awake. The reason was worth it: he was waiting for his father. The mischievous eyes drooped heavily as the door opened.

: “Daddy, can I ask you a question?”

“Yes, of course, what is it?”

: “Daddy, how much money do you make in an hour?” – he spoke with eyes wide open.

His father, troubled and tired, was very sharp in his response.

“This is none of your business, why are you asking me this?”

: “I just want to know, please tell me, how much do you make for an hour?”

“R$100 per hour”, he replied, annoyed.

:”Oh” – The boy sadly lowers his head… “Daddy, can you lend me R$50?”

“If the only reason you want to know what I earn is to borrow money from me to buy some silly toy, then stay in your room, don’t go out and think about why you’re being so selfish. I work hard every day to have to deal with such childish behavior”.

The boy, in silence, closed the door to his room. The man sat up and started to get more upset because of the little one’s question. How dare he ask such questions just to get some money?

After an hour or so, the man calmed down and began to think: Maybe there was something he really needed to buy with those R$50, the boy didn’t ask for money very often. Then the father approached the boy’s bedroom door and opened the door.

“Are you sleeping son?”

: “No dad, I’m awake”.

“I was thinking that maybe I was too hard on you. I had a long day and I took my frustration out on you. Here are the R$50 you asked me for…” – the boy stood up smiling.

: “Wow, thanks daddy!” – whispered the boy as he reached under his pillow and took out several coins.


Then he gets up and takes some crumpled coins and bills from under his pillow. The man saw that the boy already had money, and began to get angry again. The boy slowly counted his money and then looked at his father.

“Why do you want more money if you already have enough?”

: “Because I didn’t have enough, but now I do.” – he replied excitedly.

“Dad, now I have R$100.00 Can I buy an hour of your time? Please come home early tomorrow, I would like to have dinner with you.”

The father was upset. He put his arms around his little son and asked his forgiveness.


The Best Emotional Gift: Applying Our Time

We cannot forget that our greatest application will always be the time we dedicate to our family and friends. Unfortunately, we only realize this when it is too late and we have lost the possibility of giving this value to the people around us.

If we die tomorrow, soon there will be someone to replace us at work. However, the family and friends we leave behind will feel this emotional emptiness that our absence will create. So it is clear that there is no time more valuable than what we spend with those we love.

Stay with someone who values ​​you, who hugs you without lying and feels you without having to touch. Spend your time with people who deserve you and who make you feel good. Anyone who likes you shows it, sooner or later. Don’t forget to let go of stress and obligations and take care of them all like there’s no tomorrow.

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