5 Reasons Why We Picked The Wrong Partner

5 reasons why we chose the wrong partner

When was the last time you had a bad relationship? Are you one of those who end a relationship and start another one just like that? We’ve all been in a relationship that wasn’t exactly the best in the world. Between arguments, fights and bad times, you realized that that person was simply the wrong partner for you.

This is very normal. Part of growing up and moving forward in life is interacting with very different people. However, if throughout your life you have had relationships that ended up going very wrong, then there may be a deeper problem. Here in this article we’ve left you with the most common reasons why you might be choosing the wrong partner.

Analyze your situation and find the best solution for you. You deserve to have a full life with a partner who really brings something positive into your life. 

1. Search for a soul mate that doesn’t exist

We always hear a lot about the soul mate and the whole idea that we need someone to be complete.  This is a perception that does more damage than you might believe.

girl who chose the wrong partner

At first, you think you are an unfinished being, that you need someone to give your life meaning. When you rule your life with this idea, you will feel thirsty to find this being so wonderful that it will give you more meaning.

Remember that you don’t need anyone to complement you. You are already complete from the day of your birth. What you need is to find someone who will help you grow without changing your personality and who values ​​what you really are.

2. Fear of time passing

Until a few decades ago, remaining single after the age of 30 or 40 was frowned upon. So it was not uncommon for many people, especially women, to make the mistake of accepting to remain with the wrong partner. The good thing about living these days is that we have no need to accept these conventions.

Our advice is not to worry about age or eternal singleness. The right partner will arrive at the right time. But even if it doesn’t, it’s no big deal. You have more time to share with your loved ones.

3. I need to save someone to make sense of my life

Have your previous love relationships been with people who had bad habits? You tried to change these people, but what you got was just getting hurt? It’s good to be concerned about others, but you must learn to set a limit at the right time.

Believing that you can successfully convert your partner into a better person will make you miserable beyond repair. It will be even worse if that person has problems such as addictions or negative behaviors. Some people believe they can change and improve the lives of their loved ones, but you can’t help those who don’t want to be helped. 

If you really want to feel useful, offer your help to those who need it, but don’t put more effort than necessary. Before protecting others, you need to be okay. Perhaps you should ask yourself the reasons why you are wanting to help. Find the answer and help yourself first.

4. It’s the best I can get

What do you believe you deserve? Do you believe you are not worth enough to find a better partner? No matter your circumstances, limitations, or your fears when meeting someone, you don’t have to settle for anyone. 

People with low self-esteem usually accept any relationship, no matter how bad it may be, with the desire to feel accompanied. As long as you maintain this idea you will only find yourself in troubled relationships that will not help you at all.

Get out of this dynamic looking for activities that fulfill you and surround yourself with people who truly value you.  And if you need it, get professional help.

girl who chose the wrong partner

5. Has all the characteristics of an ideal partner

We sometimes relate to people who look perfect in the eyes of our family. However, meeting certain prerequisites does not necessarily make it the best option. A good partner is based on mutual respect, real communication, and sincere admiration.

These are the five reasons that make us look for the wrong partner every time. If you chose poorly, don’t worry because it can always change the situation.  Don’t be afraid to seek help if you find it necessary. Some patterns cannot be broken so easily.

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