Being Young At 90 And Old At 18

Being young at 90 and old at 18

Last year, Harriete Thompson was the oldest woman to finish a marathon. At age 92, she completed the Rock’n Roll Marathon in San Diego in just over seven hours and twenty minutes. Harriete is the perfect example of how to feel young despite age, time and the wrinkles that life leaves in body and soul.

Old age is often associated with death, physical problems, memory loss, loneliness and general body decay. But  to age well it is important to get rid of negative thoughts and enjoy all phases of life. Fortunately, life expectancy has increased over the past few centuries by more than twenty years. In the early 19th century, life expectancy was 45 to 50 years of age.

In 2013, the magazine Cell published a study by Spanish experts that analyzed the keys to aging. One of the main results of this study was that by understanding and fighting aging, we are also fighting cancer. Aging produces damage to our DNA that accumulates throughout life and this process can cause cancer, diabetes, heart problems and many other diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

Feeling young is an attitude

Youth is a matter of attitude towards life. Aging is something we cannot avoid; what we can do is to alleviate some of the effects of age on our bodies. Physical exercise, healthy eating, favorable environmental conditions, avoiding drugs, smoking and excessive alcohol are some of the factors that can delay aging.

But if we maintain the attitude of a young person, we can enjoy the learning process that aging involves. To feel young, we propose some strategies:

make your dreams come true

As we get older, we realize that we don’t fulfill all our dreams for lack of time or because we consider them impossible. However, having accumulated years does not mean that we have to accept comments such as: “you are too old to be” … and let ourselves be influenced by other people’s opinions.

This doesn’t mean that we should behave like a teenager, but that we shouldn’t give up what we want because we have a certain age: studies, travels, sports, meeting new people, etc. Our boundaries, in most cases, are much broader than we think.


keep up to date

Fashion, technology, society in general, are constantly changing, so it is necessary to adapt to changes and learn new things to stay young, with an active mind and in constant motion.

Protect your time and space

When we get older, we focus more on others than on ourselves, but it is very important to find a space to do what we enjoy and respect the time we dedicate to these activities. We need to find a balance between time dedicated to others and our own time.

smile whenever you can

Laughter is something that will make you feel much younger; laugh at yourself, at the fun things that happen every day, and face your daily problems with good humor. You can even join a laugh therapy course where you’ll have a lot of fun and meet new people.

be old at 18 years old

There are people who have had a very complicated life or just feel old, even though they are very young. These are people who do not adapt to the changes in life, who close themselves at home and who do not relate to anyone. But why does this happen?

sad young woman

People feel old when they abandon their dreams, whether due to life circumstances or choice. Stopping dreaming and trying to fulfill them is one of the causes of aging. Enjoy the present.

In addition, this type of person has low self-esteem, does not love, does not value himself, and this makes him close in his thoughts. Building self-esteem will gradually promote openness and the person will begin to interact with the environment and with others. It’s not about having wrinkles or not, but about smiling at life.

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