Career Guidance And The Future Of Young People

Professional guidance is our responsibility. If we do it well, we will leave generations satisfied with what they can contribute to society.
Professional guidance and the future of young people

As a society, it is up to us to help young people in choosing a professional path, focusing on personal development and adapting it to the current context. That’s why professional guidance is so important, since we live in a world that is constantly changing and many students get lost when it comes to entering this dynamic without the necessary information or guidance.

Choosing what they want to study and what they want to do requires a deep understanding of personality, taste, interest, environment and reality ; after all, it involves choosing life projects related to yourself. That’s why we can play such an important role in this regard.

What is vocation?

Vocational guidance starts in schools

The term vocation refers to the set of motivations and interests that guide us towards a goal. A vocation is not about something innate in a person nor about something that is decided at a given moment; on the contrary, it is formed and built throughout life, through a process of recognition of aptitudes and competences, as well as the resolution of various situations in life.

Professional guidance is a process that aims to awaken people’s interest and motivation for what interests them. In terms of occupation, it is necessary – at least, in most cases – that these interests are in accordance with the work capacity and the needs of the labor market.

It is a process with the objective of helping young people in choosing a university or professional course and providing the necessary elements for them to develop a career that provides them with benefits in addition to financial ones.

Personal and professional self-analysis

Self-analysis is one of the first steps we can take before deciding what we want to work on. It is a personal and sustained work of introspection that examines us, putting our conflicts, strengths and weaknesses on the table. Furthermore, it can give us valuable clues about how we can react to the different challenges we may encounter in the different paths we consider.

Personal skills are those not linked to a specific profession or job, but which allow the worker to improve their employability and effectiveness at work. Professional competences are the set of knowledge, skills and attitudes that allow you to perform a certain job with competence.

It is important to know ourselves, to know what we are good at, where we feel comfortable, what skills we have, what our aspirations are and what we must improve to achieve them. What we will achieve with this self-assessment is to direct our professional trajectory towards what we like.

Entrepreneurship and professional guidance

We live in constant change; what a minute ago had one form, now has another. A solution, in a few days, conquers an important part of a very large market. In the midst of this dynamism, the entrepreneurial spirit is a fundamental competence and the engine of progress in any society.

In professional guidance, it is important to open spaces for students interested in directing their professional decisions towards entrepreneurship. In this way, they will be able to learn about the opportunities and resources available in the workplace. Knowing where they are, it will be easier to bet on your ideas.

integral life project

The integral life project is the project that people build around what they want to do with their life in the future to achieve their personal, professional and social goals . Developing a life plan is not just about following your tastes or choosing a career, it’s also about a vital planning process.

An integral life project is built from the consideration of several aspects related to each student’s particular situation: their biography, outstanding experiences in their life, their interests, preferences, tastes, desires, abilities and limitations.

Educators must inspire young people to be able to create a life with mechanisms that protect their well-being.

Young people with a vocation counselor

career guidance at school

Educational centers make sense when they serve to stimulate students’ curiosity, when each student is understood as a person with a very particular profile, capable of complementing, with their strengths and weaknesses, the profile of others. It is this idea, and not another, the way to provide meaningful learning experiences.

The educational field is one of the most important and decisive spaces for professional and professional guidance. At school, students have – or should have – many stimuli and experiences that allow them to explore their tastes, skills, interests, abilities and desires in relation to their future.

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