Vitamin B12 Deficiency And Its Impact On Our Brain

Vitamin B12 Deficit and Its Impact on Our Brain

Part of the population suffers from a vitamin B12 deficit, causing slow but progressive problems with concentration, mood swings, etc. In addition, this vitamin, also known as cobalamin, is key to the proper functioning of many life processes, and is essential for brain health.

In the care of our health, essentially through diet, there are indicators, such as levels of iron, potassium, phosphorus or vitamin C, which many people do not pay attention to. Now, most of us have hardly heard or read almost anything about this soluble nutrient essential for the functioning of the brain, the nervous system, blood formation and the synthesis of certain types of proteins.

The big problem with vitamin B12 is that as we age, its levels drop quickly. This is because our digestive system weakens and doesn’t synthesize it properly. We also do not maintain a balanced diet, restricting or eliminating certain types of food. We go without eating meat, for example, which has very important nutrients, and the lack of these nutrients causes us to gradually lose cobalamin, which can alter many organic and psychological processes.

Many psychiatrists, before giving the diagnosis to their patients, do a blood test to know the level of vitamin B12, because they are well aware that when a person has a low level of this vitamin, they can present different mental alterations.

Healthy and balanced diet

Vitamin B12, much needed for our brain health

It is interesting to know, first of all, that vitamin B12 is the most complete of all vitamins. It is very important for our development, and also essential for reaching advanced ages in good physical and, above all, mental condition. However, until recently, a deficiency in this vitamin was exclusively associated with a type of anemia in which red blood cells are larger than normal, and with which patients suffer severe pain in the hands and legs.

However, a deficiency of this component does not initially determine depression and anxiety disorders. We can, therefore, say that vitamin B12 acts as a brain protector, and its lack can favor the appearance of the following problems:

  • Vitamin B12 deficiency in pregnant women puts the correct brain development of the fetus at risk.
  • Vitamin B12 promotes the formation of serotonin, the hormone of happiness. A deficit of it can favor a more apathetic, nervous or moody state.
  • This vitamin optimizes the function of neurons. So if we maintain a lower level of vitamin B12 for a while, we have a higher risk of getting dementias such as Alzheimer’s disease (remember, there is a correlation, but not a direct causality).
  • It is known that people with schizophrenia and autism often have a low level of vitamin B12.
  • Lack of this nutrient causes low energy, lack of concentration, memory loss, etc. 

The Importance of Vitamin B12

What can we do to prevent vitamin B12 deficit?

Before assuming that we suffer from a vitamin B12 deficit, it is advisable to consult our doctor or a good nutritionist. Specialists will evaluate us according to our symptoms, order blood tests, and determine whether or not we need to resort to vitamin supplements.

So, the best thing in all cases will be to take care of our food. However, something that is known is that after the age of 50 we start to lose vitamin B12 levels. Therefore, it never hurts to talk to an expert and follow a proper medical and nutritional strategy.

Now let’s see what advice we can apply in our daily lives so as not to suffer a vitamin B12 deficit.




Ideas to increase our vitamin B12 levels:

Here are some ideas to increase our vitamin B12 level:

  • Do not drink more than 2 or 3 cups of coffee a day.
  • Increase your consumption of foods rich in vitamin B12:

º Oysters

º Molluscs

º Octopus

º Lamb liver

º Salmon

º Herring

º Whole grains

º Tuna

º Cod

º Lobster

º Cheese

º eggs

  • Antacids and stomach protectants often destroy vitamin B12.
  • The appearance of intestinal parasites hinders the absorption of this vitamin. It costs nothing to consult our doctor and follow a treatment.
  • We can also test for Helicobacter Pylori bacteria. Its presence is dangerous to our health in many cases.

In conclusion, as we can see, it is not very complicated or expensive to take care of our vitamin B12 levels. It is enough to follow a varied and balanced diet and it is also enough to take care of our digestive and intestinal health so that our bodies do not suffer.

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