What Can We Learn From Painful Experiences?

What can we learn from painful experiences?

Right off the bat, the title of this article inspires a certain calm and relief. The fact that the painful experiences and the lessons learned go together is something that gives us some peace of mind. There is life after pain to give real meaning to what has been learned.

On many occasions you will be seen suffering for something that you think will not end, that it will exist forever. A pain that far from extinguishing will remain in the depths of your being and will make your existence go a little slower, making the path more and more complicated.

You find yourself submerged in a kind of spiral of pain that “never” ends. Predict the future. I could guess what your life will be like in relation to what’s missing in it. But if we could disappear from that dark gray place where we are and see ourselves from the outside… we would see that we are under a black cloud.

Behind the painful experiences are the lessons we learned

A black cloud that starts pouring drops of water early. It rains and rains and makes us wet. We are in the open. We are cold and afraid of freezing to death on this winter day where our skin is bereft of shelter. We are raw. We suffer the consequences of being naked and vulnerable under a dark cloud that does nothing but vent all its anger on us.

Well, somehow this dark cloud is us. Hurting us, making the battles we’re fighting giants. Dying even darker and more saturated colors to our current reality. Have you ever seen yourself like this? Telling yourself with cruelty and conviction that you’re not going to get out of this? That he won’t be able to recover from the pain in his soul…

Trust me, you can do it. Will recover. The painful experiences lived (breakup, fights, disappointments…) are filtered inside your person. It is as if we have within ourselves a sort of strainer for the lessons that we must learn in the end. A strainer through which learning is filtered.

Even if you are feeling sick right now, rest assured that there will be a learning curve in this

There are little lessons we take from each experience. Even if you don’t realize it, even if you believe that this whole process is not being taken seriously. He is being taken seriously. Absolutely sure. Each and every one of the painful experiences we live has an ultimate meaning.

And its meaning is to show us a reality that we must learn to continue our lighter path and with the limits of our path better defined. When these limits are not defined, we go head banging from side to side. On the other hand, when we build ourselves as people and seek what enriches us, we make our minds clearer and our paths more fertile.

Therefore, painful experiences are closely linked with the opportunity to learn the lessons they want to show us. Behind every bad experience is a learning potential that will not escape us. There are situations in life that repeat themselves over and over until we can learn from them.

Suffering is human, learning from experiences too

Even if you see this dark gray cloud, full of anger and desolation, be sure that behind it is a wonderful sun that is full of desire to light your way. But of course, when a person is under that cloud, he is not able to perceive this. And there’s no problem, because everything has its time. It’s normal to suffer and it’s human.

woman sad by painful experiences

It is normal to come out of suffering and learn from it. Sometimes this will require more effort and sometimes less. In any case, don’t forget about your own experience and the times you also thought you were on a boat that would never go out to sea again. Maybe sometimes you think that now you are worse than before or that you have never been at this time in your life, but believe me when I tell you that the rules are similar… that everything that goes down tends to go up and that when it passes you will be grateful for never having thrown in the towel.

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