Carpe Diem: ‘Society Of Dead Poets’

Carpe Diem: 'Dead Poets Society'

Who guarantees that tomorrow the day will be born again? Since we live immersed in a universe of enormous proportions, full of chaos and entropy, to  assume that tomorrow is an absolute certainty is a huge mistake.

However, this situation gives even more importance to the sentence that heads the title of this article, “Carpe Diem”, an important lesson that the great film  Society of Dead Poets showed us.

What does Carpe Diem mean?

First of all, let’s see what Carpe Diem means… As the film itself says, this is the Latin expression to say “seize the moment”. In other words,  live each moment as if it were the last, because it could be.

Woman with a cape at dusk

Thoreau himself, when mentioned in the film, gives an important clue about what life should be. Suck all the essence, the crumb. Don’t leave anything behind, because one day the final moment may come , and as you look back, you won’t want to see how much you could do but chose to let it slip away.

Dead Poets Society

Dead Poets Society is a film directed by Peter Weir that shows an exalted affection for happiness in life. That’s why it revolves around Carpe Diem’s ​​motto.

Throughout the film, a caring and passionate teacher played by Robin Williams helps a group of young people take a step in their lives, and not allow them to be just one more in the crowd. He encourages them to make their existence special.

However, during the film it is very clear that the famous character, the politician and the rich do not have a special life. You need to know how to enjoy the moment, be happy and true to yourself and enjoy every second of life  as if it were your last.

Young students around a teacher

Carpe Diem: Don’t leave anything for tomorrow

Interestingly, at this point we can refer to another film also starring one of the Dead Poets Society actors, Ethan Hawke. We are talking about Andrew Niccol’s exceptional work, Gattaca – Genetic Experience .

In this sense, the protagonist of Gattaca – Genetic Experience  is a young man who dreams of going to space, but knows that he will never be able to, because his body was born of love and, therefore, is genetically imperfect. This fact is a major threat in the near future we seem to be heading towards, where survival of the fittest is being imposed through science, not nature.

Thus, the young protagonist of  Gattaca has a genetically perfect brother. Your health and strength are superior. However, he is not able to beat him in a swim race, despite being the fittest.

How is it possible for the inferior to win the superior? With determination, strength, will… in short, leaving nothing for tomorrow and putting all your passion into every action you take. That is, live each moment as if it were the last.

Suck the very essence of life

Thus,  the expression Carpe Diem should be mandatory teaching in schools. Teaching and educating children does not have to be just through the mere transmission of mathematical, linguistic and scientific knowledge. We must go further. It would be wonderful to show our children how to suck the very essence of life.

If we manage to create a network of free thinkers, people who seek something more out of life than a mere job, a house and a car, maybe someday we will be able to make families raise their children with enormous values ​​of respect for others, for the environment natural environment that surrounds us, love for everything that has life, solidarity, friendship and equality.

woman inside a flower

A society that puts Carpe Diem into practice is a healthy and friendly society. Enjoy life, suck the essence while it is beautiful and beautiful, express your feelings without fear of what others will say, be yourself at all times, ask for help from the people you love…

the passing of time

The passage of time is fast, persevering and persistent. We cannot fight him. He is going to never come back. However, we can make him our ally. In this sense, the phrase Carpe Diem is perfect for finding a true friend in him.

Don’t let the fateful day come when you have to leave thinking you haven’t done anything useful and beautiful with your life. Enjoy the moment, feel every moment with passion and energy, and make the wonderful expression of Carpe Diem your own. It is in your hands and only you can make your life a fantastic world of happiness.

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