Misunderstandings Can Create A Huge Chasm Between Those Who Love Each Other

Misunderstandings can create a huge chasm between those who love each other

The world is full of people who wait for those who let them go to come back, and people who dare not return even though they love the person. And we often let negative things (nonsense beliefs, misunderstandings, and frustrations) outweigh genuine feelings.

As the saying goes, life is a long road in which we learn to enjoy the good things and let go of the bad. What happens is that we do this late and because of that, we lose a lot of valuable things along the way.

Therefore, since understanding people’s ways of communicating, intentions, and different realities is complicated, it ‘s good to understand our minds to minimize the possibility of straying from the people we love.


We can understand our mind like a radio…

We can understand our mind as a radio that is always on and tuned to the same station. Sometimes the radio tells us wonderful things, but at other times it tells us things that hurt too much.

While we can’t change stations, we can stop paying attention to everything she says. With this attitude we will be able to stop taking seriously everything the radio tells us (our minds) and stop paralyzing life when we don’t like what the radio says (our minds).

To go deeper and explain this better, I need you to imagine that you are a gardener and that the plants in your garden are the things you love most in your life. What would these plants be? What do each of them mean?

As gardeners, each of us is solely responsible for taking care of our plants, sowing new seeds, taking care of them and watering them. Starting from this concept: How do you think you are taking care of your garden? What do you need to do or what does it entail to take care of these plants or others that you could sow?

Still, plants don’t always grow as we imagine: they can grow flowers where we don’t want to, grow more slowly and even wither despite the care we’ve taken. The important thing is how you are dedicated to them and how you care for them. If that’s not the case, what’s stopping you from being like that? What interferes because of your daily chores?


Sometimes, in gardens, weeds are also born that we don’t like and we struggle to pull out. To understand the consequences of this, imagine a gardener who removes them as soon as he sees them. Weeds reappear repeatedly. Constantly, the gardener cuts them but, despite all his efforts, they always reappear.

We can say that this gardener is probably spending his time on what he doesn’t like, while his plants, which is what really matters, are abandoned. The option he needs to consider is whether he’s willing to take care of the ones that really matter, despite the other things that may come up every hour that aren’t entirely to his liking.

Now, considering this reasoning, we should think about those plants that we consider important and that we are neglecting because of that evil that bothers us and to which, without a doubt, we pay a lot of attention.

This reasoning can be applied to all aspects of our lives with the intention of alleviating the tendency to focus on what we don’t like. Undoubtedly, this is one of the main reasons that lie in the formation of misunderstandings that happen and that distance us from the people we love in a sincere and genuine way.

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