Let Things Happen

let things happen

Today I’ve decided that I’m going to give my heart a break and let events flow and things happen as they have to. Maybe it’s time not to hide my emotions so much, to allow them to be born spontaneously without fear and without censorship. I believe I need to give myself the option of not pushing things and not continuing to swim against the current.

I often looked for experiences that weren’t good for me, and instead of trying to get rid of them, I wished they were what I wanted them to be. So I forgot about the negative effects and tried to adapt to fit what doesn’t fit, and this caused me a lot of suffering.

Let life arrive, with the doors ajar, with your feet firmly on the ground and without chains. Prisons were never good, especially the invisible ones we put ourselves in and then forget where we keep the keys. Farewell to prohibitions, fear, pressure, coldness, panic and excessive control of situations. Let things happen.

The side effects of forcing a situation

Most of the time when I think I have my emotions under control I’m completely wrong. I interact with them so carefully that I end up forcing situations and losing control. Repressing, hiding, denying or disguising what we feel instead of showing the feeling does not allow us to hear and know ourselves better.

woman with flowers on her face

I realized that in some situations I wanted to stop or speed up time, run away and later regret it, deny sincerity while looking outside… And I am aware of the missed opportunities that could have helped me to be much happier.

Forcing things always leads to a state of hidden discomfort and dissatisfaction that turns into negative energy. We pay a very high price for this, this discomfort leads us to physical and mental wear: blocked feelings always find a way out, even if it is through an illness.

The key is to let things happen naturally

Now I realize that when we let go of the desire for things to happen the way we want them to and not the way they should, everything starts to settle down.  In this way, events begin to flow, grow and fit together naturally.

It is necessary to wait, with the help of time, so as not to make hasty decisions in the face of the unexpected and enjoy situations. Don’t worry about what hasn’t happened yet and let the future happen harmoniously, without trying to change events.


How to act?

The first thing is to take into account that “letting go” or “letting it grow” is not equivalent to not making an effort or doing nothing, but it is to be aware that there are many things we cannot control. Life changes constantly and unpredictably, dragging our plans, projects, and even ourselves with it.

We have to think that everything is temporary and even time needs our attention: the rush, obsessions and demands we have on it can turn against us. We need to be patient for what has to happen to happen.

“Happiness is in the things you don’t plan, in the things you don’t see coming.”

-Grey’s Anatomy series-

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