Why Am I Not Comfortable With My Body?

Dissatisfaction with one’s body, in most cases, starts with social pressure, combined with certain dysfunctional beliefs we have. How can we change this reality?
Why am I not comfortable with my body?

Virtually every human being, at some point in their life, looked in the mirror and thought: “I don’t like what I see”, or tried on clothes in a store and said “I don’t feel comfortable with my body”. Therefore, it is very common for us to want to put, remove, modify or repair different parts of our physical appearance.

However, this dislike for one’s own body image goes far beyond the merely physical aspect; many people feel that their worth and success is determined by their appearance. Thus, when they do not reach the standards of beauty, they begin to consider themselves failures, incapable and worthless.

Why am I not comfortable with my body?

If we take all of the above into consideration, it’s interesting to imagine where this tendency to despise and feel uncomfortable in our skin comes from, and what we can do about it.

Woman sad with what she sees in the mirror

external causes

It is undeniable that culture and society have a very strong influence on the fact that many people experience great dissatisfaction with their bodies. The standard of beauty has changed over the years, dictating rules with very little permissive margins of what was appropriate and desirable in each time and place.

Today, we have an unrealistic and unattainable ideal that values ​​measures that are not really natural, for both men and women.

Above all, they are unique and imposed characteristics that do not allow for the logical diversity of existing bodies. Praising these references as the only acceptable ones does severe psychological damage to those of us who do not fit that mold. Just go to any clothing store to witness the limited variety of sizes available.

So we grow up learning to reject our bodies, consider them inadequate and hurt them, or mentally punish ourselves for not meeting standards. On the other hand, social pressure can also be devastating, since since the early school years there is a rejection of the different.

internal causes

All of the above options are imposed on us. However, there are other aspects directly related to personality and our attitude that lead us to not feel comfortable with our body:

  • Unfair comparisons. It is clear that the pattern exists, but we must understand that it is an unrealistic and unattainable reference and that we do not have to adapt to it. Constantly comparing ourselves to celebrities or real people who fit this ideal inevitably leads us to feel negative emotions related to our own image, without realizing that beauty is in diversity.
  • Rigid and dichotomous thinking. These beliefs assume that there are only two extremes and that if we have any “negative” traits, we will automatically be unattractive and undesirable. Focusing attention on that aspect of our physique that we don’t like, expanding and generalizing it, will make us feel very unhappy with who we are.
  • Wrong Assumptions. This refers to the fact that since I am not comfortable with my body, I directly deduce that others perceive me in an equally negative way. But that’s not all: I assume that, as I don’t fit the standard of beauty, I have no value or success as a person, I have no right to wear certain pieces of clothing or perform certain activities, and I will never have professional, social or loving.
happy woman looking in the mirror

What can I do if I’m not comfortable with my body?

There are two main aspects you should focus on. First, work out all the beliefs and attitudes that are in your power to change and that make you feel unhappy with your image. Make your thinking more flexible, start noticing your positive qualities and traits, and learn to separate your personal worth from your image.

Second, work on loving and accepting your body as it is. Give thanks for being your vehicle on this earth plane, allowing you to breathe, laugh, run, and hug your loved ones. Reconcile yourself with your mirror image and treat yourself with love and respect, regardless of your appearance.

Only from this unconditional acceptance will you be able to make the necessary changes to take care of your body and your image from a healthy position. Exercise and eat healthy; take care of your body, but do it because you love it, not because you hate it.

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