Acupuncture Treatment For Neurodegenerative Diseases

Acupuncture treatment for neurodegenerative diseases improves the quality of life of many patients, such as those affected by Parkinson’s, favoring their mobility and their mood.
Acupuncture treatment for neurodegenerative diseases

Diseases such as Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis and restless legs syndrome affect thousands of people around the world. These are conditions under which, generally, nothing can be done to impede their advance. However, the acupuncture treatment for neurodegenerative diseases can improve the quality of life and mobility of many patients.

Something we all know is that most of these diseases, which originate in the nervous system, are incurable. However, advances in neurobiology and genetics are undoubtedly very encouraging. Specialists on the subject, such as Dr. José Manuel Fuentes Rodríguez, a researcher at CIBERNED (Online Biomedical Research Center), point out that we have more and more data on how to improve prevention and therapeutic strategies.

On the other hand, advances in the field of neuronal plasticity through stem cells have also shown improvements at motor and sensory levels; science does not stop advancing, there is no doubt. However, as yet there are no treatments to reverse these severe conditions, the  medicine mainly focuses on one goal: to improve the quality of life of those affected.

Thus, treatments based on alternative therapies, such as acupuncture, offer hope.


What does acupuncture treatment for neurodegenerative diseases consist of?

Acupuncture treatment for neurodegenerative diseases is a drug-free type of therapy that has no adverse side effects.  Its applications in the field of neurology show remarkable benefits.

An innovative treatment within our reach

Permanent atrial implantology is a technique of German origin. It consists of applying a permanent needle to treat neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s, restless legs syndrome, multiple sclerosis, vascular dementia and Pick’s disease, among others.

The aim of this therapeutic strategy is twofold. On the one hand, an attempt is made to reduce (as far as possible) the spread of these diseases. On the other hand, to improve the patient’s quality of life.

How is acupuncture treatment for neurodegenerative diseases applied?

Acupuncture treatment for neurodegenerative diseases consists of applying tiny titanium micro-inserts to the cartilage of the ear (auriculopuncture) permanently.

  • These micro-inserts are painless and aim to reduce symptoms and relieve discomfort.
  • At the same time, a multidisciplinary approach that includes areas such as neuropsychology and physiotherapy is applied throughout the treatment.

Clinical trials and patient testimonials

The Center for Neuro-Regenerative Medicine in Valencia, Spain, conducted a comparative study to determine the effectiveness of acupuncture treatment for neurodegenerative diseases. In this case, the benefits of this therapy were analyzed in a group of Parkinson’s patients.

  • The sample consisted of 32 men and women affected by this disease, with a mean age of 54 years.
  • The study was double-blind. Neither the patients nor the professionals who treated them knew which study group each member belonged to.
  • The study reached the following conclusions: patients treated with permanent acupuncture showed fewer changes in pharmacological treatment  (dose increase, inclusion of new drugs, etc.). They also showed fewer complications in the development of their disease.
  • After a year of tests for which two groups were established within the sample group of patients (some treated with permanent acupuncture and others not, but both receiving pharmacological treatment), it can be stated that the permanent needle provides greater stability to the treatment. pharmacological control against the disease.
elderly couple smiling

What do patients who follow acupuncture treatment for neurodegenerative diseases say?

It is clear that acupuncture treatment for neurodegenerative diseases does not reverse or cure these conditions. However, Parkinson’s patients who follow this treatment summarize their experience as follows:

  • They feel more autonomous. They can go back to performing daily tasks for which they were incapacitated before permanent needle treatment.
  • They can go back to using fine motor skills, such as sewing, cooking, playing musical instruments…  They can also do DIY activities, gardening, etc.
  • Regaining autonomy means an improvement in the quality of life of these patients. Most importantly, it all reverts to your state of mind, motivation and also your relationships with your immediate surroundings.

To conclude, as we can see, within traditional medicine we have other positive tools that are worth considering, such as acupuncture. This treatment has no side effects and, together with a multidisciplinary approach, generates a well-deserved well-being and increases quality of life.

See real testimonials from patients treated with the permanent needle here.

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