Beauty Is Within

the beauty is inside

“I’m not happy as I am. I don’t like my body. I don’t like to see myself”.

“I hate my teeth, my breasts, my hips.” “I have extra pounds.” “Since pregnancy I have not regained shape”.

“I never get close to the others”. “I’m afraid of being judged. “All my friends have boyfriends, except me…”

Sounds familiar?

It is the dialogue that we habitually have with ourselves. This way of speaking becomes a kind of self-sabotage that creates insecurities, lowers self-esteem and sacrifices self-love.

Now think:  “what do you like about yourself?”. Your eyes, your hair, your kindness, your unconditionality… you will certainly think of hundreds of things in which your soul and your interior are the protagonists.

So why do we let the physical defects we see in ourselves drag and destroy the beautiful things we have?

There are a multitude of factors behind our insecurities. We question ourselves so much that we can even get sick with fear because of them.

We are what we think and, with these beliefs, we put on a disguise that prevents the world from seeing us as we are. But there are times that even the rest of the world sees the beauty that we have inside ourselves before us.

And when we bring our complexes to light, what do we see?

The most important thing is the soul. What’s under the clothes. The invisible. That which has its space beyond the naked eye. True beauty is inner beauty,  the only one that doesn’t spoil, the only one that can’t be snatched away and that can only be seen when looking with the eyes of the soul.

This one is not measured by what we can appreciate with the naked eye, because true beauty is an attitude .  We live preoccupied with appearances, for we are not as the conventions that imprison us dictate that we should be. This is what  prevents us from showing our splendor to the world.

The reality is that  there is no makeup on the planet that can beautify an ugly heart. Understanding this is extremely important to reinforce our self-esteem.

A beautiful interior is built by loving life and getting rid of absences and negative feelings. It constitutes enlarging our inner world, making it more extensive, eliminating emotional comfort and collecting our own motives.

A positive mental attitude creates more miracles than a change of image

We need to reflect on the importance of loving ourselves. It is not necessary to manufacture our outer beauty with makeup and fashion clothes, because the real beauty resides in ourselves.

Be gentle, don’t let the pain harden you. Believe in your own beauty, one that cannot be defined with words, and cultivate in the small details. The secret is within you.

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