Bullying Nobody Talks About: Parents’ Intrusion In School

Bullying that no one talks about: parents' intrusion in school

Currently, bullying is becoming more and more visible thanks to courageous voices, eyes that refuse to be passive and victims of this great social problem that are realizing that people who are bullied have no reason to feel ashamed or stigmatized.

It is very difficult to combat bullying in a socioeconomic framework that encourages dysfunctional and harmful values: values ​​that are a perfect alibi for the harasser. Just take a look at the sports, entertainment, TV shows, video games or sitcoms section to understand why this problem happens and has become chronic in our society. But there is already a sign that this is changing: people are arguing about it.

The parties involved: a whole that reflects our society

The persecutor is justified by certain qualities reminiscent of success and charisma; the harassed person is stigmatized and isolated because of his peculiarity, or simply because he plays the role of scapegoat that exempts others from aggression.

Viewers, who are the majority, refuse to get involved in a conflict that they don’t feel is their own because society has taught them that it’s not “profitable”; “pragmatic” and even counterproductive.

If we want psychological harassment to be detected and corrected, we cannot remain passive, as mere spectators or as recipients of complaints of all kinds of harassment. Harassment and abuse go far beyond hitting or teasing.

Sometimes the aggressor is a true reflection of what is encouraged in our society : the rejection of excellence, the annulment of diversity and the exclusion of originality. A vulnerable target is chosen, with no privileges.

The pretense and the false concept of success as the origin of bullying nowadays

Bullying, as we understand it today, has been taboo for years. The new psychology and pedagogy encourage competition.

They do not teach children other realities, much less empathy, which could prevent many cases of harassment. This is not painting a very dark reality, it is realizing that the advance of resources does not go hand in hand with the great educational advances.  It’s no use getting a 10 on homework if you have a 0 in education.


If we don’t want harassment, if we want equality and education, we can get it all. An indispensable condition for us to reach a cordial and convenient reality is to work day after day. There is no magic wand: school and society need to work together. It is necessary to make people aware and not act with indifference.

Parents who intrude in the school space: a current bullying that no one talks about

We need to be able to detect commonalities between the various types of harassment, but they can be camouflaged among new behaviors, including parents, teachers and students.

There is a confusion between roles and desires in many modern parents. On the one hand, they want their children to spend more time doing activities outside the home. On the other hand, they claim to have absolute authority over all professionals who work with their children.

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