Escape In The Form Of A Long Journey

Every trip creates the illusion of breaking away from the usual life we ​​lead. On some occasions, this leads us to think that all the discomfort that afflicts us can be resolved by taking an undated trip back. Unfortunately, the result is usually not what was expected.
Escape in the form of a long journey

We live in a complex world in which, unfortunately, the idea that we should not accept suffering has been very widespread. Although this is a natural part of life, there are some currents that insist on confronting this reality. So many people don’t tolerate it, and when they find it, they run away. Sometimes the escape takes the form of a long journey.

It is very common to hear that someone is so tired of everything that they want to “go away”. Some people make this idea a reality. They take a trip to leave all their conflicts behind, or maybe it’s better to say they escape their reality by taking a trip.

We need to understand the difference between growth trips and escape trips. The first are those born from a healthy desire to broaden horizons and discover the world. Escape trips are journeys that usually start from an idealization of the destination and end with disenchantment ahead of you and, perhaps, a great deal of confusion.

A trip as an escape

take distance and travel

There is a subtle but at the same time profound difference between stepping back to see a problem from another perspective and stepping away as a form of escape. The tricky part is that we don’t always realize whether we’re doing one or the other.

A trip is precisely one of those occasions that serve to change perspective or to escape. One way or another, every trip disconnects us from routine and common problems. When we take a long trip with the goal of not returning in the short term, the disconnect is much more radical.

How healthy or neurotic this choice is depends on motivations and purposes. If the motivation is to break away from everything that creates discomfort, we are probably talking about an escape trip. If the goal is to find that place where everything will finally be in place and happiness awaits us, we are probably also talking about an escape.

Traveling as an escape mechanism

We go on a growth trip when we want to know new things, we are curious about the world and we want to discover new horizons. This is not associated with the problems we have on a daily basis, but with a strong desire to broaden our perspective, learn and live. It is planned and is not preceded by conflicts but by joys.

An escape trip, on the other hand, is taken out of exhaustion. It is born out of the desire to ignore what gnaws at us and eliminate everything we don’t like. There is no desire to write a new page, but to delete the old ones.

It is relatively superfluous planned and has more to do with impulse than reason. It is usually preceded by dense silences, screams and slamming doors.

The real difficulty is that we can run away from everything but ourselves. Often the problems we want to leave behind arise again at our destination. As the scene changes, the essence of what happens to us remains the same. In fact, everything is likely to get worse.

woman reflecting on her life

the journey inward

There are times when human beings resist and are afraid to explore within themselves because they don’t want to give up certain fantasies or because they are afraid to touch wounds they believe cannot be healed. They don’t run away because they are cowards or lack of character. They do this because they think it’s an effective solution, but it’s not.

Whenever you travel, there are events that captivate because they really give the illusion of living a new life. However, as the days, weeks and months go by, things change. There is no place on earth free from sorrow, disappointment, selfishness, envy, anger and everything that, at first and at first glance, is not captured.

When the novelty ends, the discomfort is likely to return. It can take other forms or manifest in other ways, but it will be there. So, perhaps we think that we are wrong in destiny, that the hidden treasure is in another country, on another continent. And possibly we will embark on a new escape voyage.

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