Fake Family: Inverted Values, Extinction Of Ethics

Fake family: inverted values, extinction of ethics

These days we only talk about the corporate world. We have to leave early to work, meet goals, work as a team, be prominent in the institution, have several skills (preferably all), read emails, respond to WhatsApp messages, we have to, we have to… anyway, at what time of the day is the family?

Daily impacts on family formation

We live in the era of the modern world, of Having and not of Being; inverted values, extinction of ethics. Modern life where society idealizes beauty stereotypes, where the corrupt are heroes in an environment that should be ethical. If you do not fit into this environment, you will be discriminated against by society itself, extinguished from it.

How far have we reached? Within the family we give and receive love, we build bonds, we teach moral and ethical values, but is this happening? Priorities are reversed and the family takes a back seat.  We have dinner together when we can, we walk together when we can, we talk when we can, we watch a movie with family members when possible; the seconds, minutes and hours of this modern time are quicker. Time management has lost its meaning;  the family is in the background, and this explains the behavior of human beings today.

broken family

We are uncontrolled, insecure, emotionally immature, impatient and stressed human beings, looking for the easiest way to achieve our goals, even if someone has to be harmed for that. This is the model of the adult human being that our children are living with. What will these young people learn? What world will you live in?

World of interests and success. However, this word has only one meaning in the dictionary; for some, success is having a place to live, having a happy family, for others, and the most common is being famous in your professional path, having a high-ranking position, being financially rich, with a fat bank account, however with a broken family. Parents ask their children what they want to be when they grow up, and when their children respond to a profession that is not well paid or in which the field of work is small, they will hear:

– Son, this profession doesn’t make money.

That sad! Money is taking over humanity, and it is being the goal of many. We forget that money doesn’t bring happiness, it doesn’t bring physical and emotional health, it doesn’t buy love, it doesn’t buy peace;  it only buys a fleeting feeling of well-being that, in the future, will bring anguish. And we won’t know the reason for this anguish, because we thought that money was the salvation.

And if you behave correctly, it will be called right. And our Fernando Pessoa in Poema Linha Reta in a stanza says:

This verse wanted to talk about superiority in the world around him: social injustices and hypocrisy, and this is also happening today. The search for the perfect being, where perfectionism makes demigods those people who live to satisfy the demands of society, concerned with the image that will be passed on. However, they should be concerned about their own satisfaction, spiritual peace, mental and emotional health.

Educate your child for the ever-changing world

To educate is to prepare the child to be, not to have. To be a mature person, a person who is less frustrated and thus less traumatized. There is no instruction manual, but there are values ​​and beliefs that guide the way forward. Parents and families must worry about tomorrow, and unfortunately they are just living in the moment. Education is the way and the solution.


Life is made up of victories and defeats, imperfections and perfections, positivism and negativity, ups and downs.  Finally, we live in the balance of life in which we no longer know what is perfect or imperfect; we live in this confrontation, and children, youth and adults need to be critical to the point of having their own opinion and discerning right from wrong, without accepting the right or wrong said by society, the press, newspapers and television.

Don’t let your personality be dictated by society. Be critical, be a thinking being, don’t accept conformism, know how to give your opinion, and don’t be ashamed.  We need to be a real family, not a fake one just to satisfy others’ egos.

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