How Can I Better Organize My Time?

Good time organization not only makes us more efficient for the job market, where small differences end up having huge impacts, but it also makes us feel better.
How can I better organize my time?

Why does it sometimes seem like others have more time than me? Why do I get the feeling that time is slipping through my fingers? How can I learn to organize my time better? Is it possible to combine social, family, work and physical and mental health? All these questions will be answered in this article.

We all have the same time, we all have the same minutes during the day. It depends on each one of us the disposition we make of it.

Thus, in a society where competition is very high and speed is very high, this skill is increasingly weighty. For that reason, they can hire us or not, and we can also feel useful or not.

The first pillar to better organize time is the idea of ​​planning. Taking a few minutes to schedule the day, week, month, or year helps prioritize the tasks that are really needed.

Furthermore, this vision of the future can also help us distinguish between what is urgent and what is important.

How much time will each task require? Having a few minutes of leeway between tasks allows you to be honest with yourself. That way, we can bypass all kinds of unforeseen events that might occur.

If my plan for today is to go grocery shopping, call a friend, send an email to my colleagues, prepare a special dinner and finish a presentation, I’ll organize the time with margin so I don’t rush and meet the goals of my organization.

For example, I will have to take into account displacements, material failures, unforeseen distractions, queues or waiting time at the supermarket, traffic, etc.

How to organize my time

Calendar or cell phone to better organize time

What kind of schedule or schedule do I use to better organize my time? A study conducted at the University of California found that students performed better the processes of memorization and organization when using handwriting – the other option was to do it with a keyboard.

Thus, the area of ​​fine psychomotricity is activated when we take notes by hand. In this way, we will create deeper long-term memory traces. While we devote time to this task, our brain is able to organize ideas and assimilate concepts.

A manual organizer schedule will help us create a mental map of our time and tasks. It is also a valuable tool to stop intrusive thoughts, dedicating all our resources to what we have at hand.

Agenda colors can also help us organize our priorities and activate visual memory to favor memorization.

Woman organizing her schedules

Better organize time and motivation

When we get up in the morning, our mental resources, like our will, have recovered from the wear and tear of the day before. Therefore, based on this idea, there are many experts who recommend that we dedicate the first hours of the day to those tasks that we like least or worry us the most.

By doing it in another way, we will multiply the temptation to delay and not meet our goals. This translates into more tasks for the next day, with the attendant negative emotions.

Our brain, in turn, needs spaces to relax. Some moments during the day open to improvisation and creativity, including small circumstantial pleasures or desires. It is about leaving space within the planning for the unforeseen.

Acting that way will make us happier. Furthermore, it will also distance us from the feeling of spending the day being slaves to that ‘planning self’. In this sense, a recent study concluded that, every time we lose concentration, it takes an average of 23 minutes to regain it.


The more distractions we have around us, the more time we will need to reach our goals. A good workspace, good planning, a good routine, a sufficient number of hours of sleep, a diet consistent with our level of activity and leisure time are the keys to ending each day the way we propose.

We all have the same amount of time throughout the day; the key is how we organize and prioritize our tasks. What are you waiting for to enjoy every second of your time?

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