How Difficult It Is To Say “hello” When I Really Mean “I Love You”

The inability to show feelings

We often cannot say “I love you” out of fear or because we feel stuck. Maybe it’s memories of our past relationships that still affect us and build a shield around us. There are extreme cases where people are affected by a disorder called “alexithymia”.

Alexithymia is a neurological disorder that prevents affected people from identifying and verbally expressing their emotions. Primary alexithymia occurs when there is a physical problem in the neurological structures responsible for emotions; and the secondary may be the consequence of some serious emotional trauma or an emotional learning disorder.

People affected by alexithymia are unable to say “I love you” or “I’m sorry” and feel a deep disdain for themselves because they are aware of their inability to express their feelings towards other people and feel useless.

The importance of showing our feelings

Our society despises the expressions of feelings and emotions, but we must take into account that not expressing them can have negative consequences for people. For this reason, it is very important to express what we feel in all areas of our lives.

Many people are educated from an early age not to show their emotions, not to cry in public, because it is a sign of fragility, and to be submissive in conflicts to avoid problems… It’s the same as saying: they were taught to close in themselves.

Five Ways to Say “I Love You”

2- Always act in a good mood

Don’t get angry unnecessarily, smile and take a deep breath. Be humorous and convey this good mood to your partner. Pull your hair, play and laugh a lot. It’s not a matter of joking and telling jokes all the time, but seeing everyday things in a good mood.

3- Hug and kiss

How long have you not kissed and hugged someone? We all need hugs, but we can give them too. Hug, kiss, tell him you love him with your lips and arms.

4- Respect each other’s space

We can say “I love you” to someone allowing them to have their space, moments to do what they want. Loving someone means having things in common, but also having individual spaces that must be respected honestly and sincerely.

5- Show interest

A “good morning”, “a kiss” or “how are you today”? All of this is essential to show your interest and demonstrate that you really care about the person. No need to send thousands of messages a day, simply demonstrate that you are always around to support her.

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