How To Rare A Child

how to raise a child

As raising a child seems to have become very complicated, there is always the option of raising a child. This method is simpler, although it may cost as much or more. But  how do we know if we are creating it or not creating it? Which of the two ways to choose: create or miscreate? The choice, of course, is up to parents, guardians, educators and, why not, society in general. We are not going to emphasize the importance of television in education, which is sometimes greater than it seems, so as not to extend the story.

We are also not going to focus on the discussions that exist about whether some actions are good or bad for the education of children. Let’s try to move away from relativisms to give objective rules, conducts to carry out in raising children, AS LONG AS THE INTENDED RESULT IS MALCREASING THEM.

The 10 Commandments to Rare a Child

While there are many ways to naughty children, there are ten rules that are as simple in their wording as the commandments themselves. If you fulfill them, just a little bit of luck you have to achieve the desired goal.


Emilio Calatayud, the famous Spanish juvenile judge, willingly leaves this decalogue for posterity (certain modifications are allowed to enrich the reading):

  1. Start from childhood by giving your child everything he asks for. Thus, he will grow up convinced that the whole world belongs to him and that he has the right to do what he wants, whenever and however he wants.
  2. Don’t worry about his ethical or spiritual education. Wait for him to reach adulthood so he can decide freely. Surely he will learn the values ​​that nobody taught him on his own and, of course, he will practice them.
  3. When he swears, he laughs. This will encourage you to do funnier things. Reinforcing the use of bad words and actions will make you a highly praised person and we already know that everyone loves “funny” people.
  4. Don’t scold him or tell him that something he does is wrong. He could create guilt complexes. No one wants their child to lay their head on their pillow at night feeling guilty, even if they are guilty. It’s better to buy him a toy and hope that next time he doesn’t do it again.
  5. Pack everything he’s taken from the place: books, shoes, clothes, toys. That way, he will get used to throwing the responsibility on others and, as if that wasn’t enough, when he gets married, he’ll know who has to clean up the house.
  6. Let him read everything that falls into his hands. Make sure your plates, cutlery, and glasses are sterilized, but don’t think in his mind that it can fill up with garbage. Let him watch television freely and play video games all day long.
  7. Fight frequently with your spouse in the presence of the child, so that he will not suffer so much on the day when the family, perhaps by her own behavior, is torn apart forever.
  8. Give him all the money he wants to spend. He will not suspect that to have money it is necessary to work, nor will he try to pursue an independent life in which he earns his living alone.
  9. Satisfy all his desires, appetites, comforts and pleasures. Sacrifice and austerity could generate frustrations that will hamper your future personality.
  10. Take his side in any conflicts he has with teachers and neighbors. Just think that they all have prejudices against your child and that they actually want to piss him off. Because assuming that our child lies is out of the question, “my child always speaks the truth.”


Education lays the foundation of the adult person

As we said at the beginning, we may have the perception that education is a more or less complex task, but what usually does not make responsible adults be created is the absence of clear boundaries while they are still children. We must not forget that much of the basis for what they will be in the future is laid in childhood, for both good and bad.

Thus, here are exposed the keys that you must follow to badly raise a child. It should be understood in an ironic tone that following these tips will make our child a better person and, of course, “when your child is already a delinquent, don’t forget to proclaim that you could never do anything for him”.

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