I Can’t! Fear Of Failure

I can't!  fear of failure

Many people are afraid of not achieving success both professionally and in their personal lives. Caught in the logic of the loser, they lose the joy of living and cannot face the challenges that life offers us daily for fear of failure.

How we face life’s challenges and difficult situations shapes our character and therefore our ultimate destiny.

For example, in a new situation that can be risky, if the person focuses on the fear of failure, they will feel insecure and will certainly not know how to deal with it.

Numerous studies show that a positive mental attitude is the key to personal success. Here are some tips to help you cope with difficult situations.


being emotionally fit

Being emotionally fit means feeling secure, even in the most difficult situations. What does that mean?

The way we interpret situations and assess what happens around us shapes our emotions, our actions and, therefore, the type of person we are.

A winning mental state is based on the ability and ability to find positive meaning in any situation.

The question we must ask in every situation in our life is: “What can I learn from this situation?”

The difference between success and failure

The difference between success and failure is the ability to turn difficult situations into learning.

Fear is one of the basic human feelings, but fear of failure and the insecurity it causes shouldn’t block our ability to solve problems.

This is because the path that leads to personal fulfillment is fraught with failures, but it is the difficult experiences that allow us to make the most important changes and developments.

Winners in life also encounter obstacles and difficulties in their path, but they all have one thing in common: they  know how to take advantage of every situation to grow and improve as people.


The fear of failure and the fear of taking risks

Fear of failure often leads people to avoid taking risks, and often these people don’t want to discover the limits of their abilities. They only want to do the bare minimum to obtain a sufficient level of well-being and protection.

Psychologist Abraham Maslow says that “security” is one of the primary human needs, and  it’s part of our natural instinct to want to protect and conserve what we have.

But beware:  security can sometimes deceive us,  limiting our decisions and, consequently, our actions.

To reach any goal you have to take some risk. Only by learning to manage the fear of failure will we have more opportunities to get what we want.

We often fear what we think

In the game of chess, we say that the fear of attack is stronger than the attack itself. Our imagination has a great capacity to amplify our fear of failure.

However, fear is also useful : it puts us on “alert” against dangers, but it is not functional when it blocks our progress towards a particular goal. If we are dominated by the fear of failure it is unlikely that we can act freely and effectively.

If we really want to change, if we are willing to stop avoiding failure and taking risks, we can be happy.

We can change our way of thinking and dysfunctional behaviors that make it difficult to achieve our goals. We just need to stop running away, procrastinating or making excuses.

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