I Like The Simple: A Hug, A Thank You, A “take Care”

I like what is simple: a hug, a thank you, a “take care”. I consider myself a faithful admirer of simple people, because for me, the most beautiful are those who let themselves be guided by common sense, their intuition and a heart that knows no artifice.

A curious and also inspiring fact is to know that nowadays, both in terms of personal development and in the field of large organizations, it  has become fashionable to “redeem” the value of the simple. In fact, many marketing and advertising experts have a motto that almost never fails: “ make it simple and something will happen ”.

Antonio Machado said that “it is characteristic of men of small mentality to invest against everything that does not fit in their heads”. It is certainly a good example to describe personalities for which sensible things are meaningless. They confuse the simple with the “simplistic”. Simplicity has nothing to do with being naive, let alone being innocent. 

In fact, this concept contemplates a great power of which we are hardly aware.

The power of simple, emotions and intelligence

Let us recall for a moment one of the most impactful advertisements on television. It was 2001 and BMW broke standards with the slogan “ I love driving ”. In this ad, the physical characteristics of the product and its technology were left out to talk exclusively about the sensations that the direction gives us.

One hand was enough. A hand that went out the window, that flew and flowed while appealing to the universality of emotions and feelings that we have all experienced with this same act so common in childhood. There was no need to see the car, the brand was already masterfully created. 

This is where the power of the simple is inscribed as an example. Nevertheless,  this announcement was in itself an act of courage on the part of the SCPF agency and its creative directors. To them, as to anyone else who wants to appeal to the value of the simple, the elemental and the power of emotions, we can only say the following:

  • Anyone who practices the value of the simple is a “simplistic”, someone who doesn’t make an effort to show something deeper, more sophisticated and elaborate.
  • If you are simple, everyone will be the same as you, you will not be able to stand out. In the case of this ad, what some might think is that it is so “simple and there is so little that anyone could do the same”.

In fact, when someone seeks simplicity, he must be on the side of the best thinkers in the world. Because as Winston Churchill said, “out of intense complexities come the most beautiful simplicities ”.

The beauty of simplicity in everyday actions

It is often said that life is like a spider’s web. Our lines merge at strange angles, we take wrong turns, our efforts don’t match what has been achieved, and finally we get stuck in these terribly complex and bleak realities.

Why is it so difficult, then, to delight in the simplicity of everyday actions? Why make life so complicated? In a way, this has a lot to do with what we indicated just now; the simple soul and the humble look are dimensions that do not fit very well in a society that associates the complex with the effective, and, consequently, with happiness.

They sell us computers with lots of programs, cell phones with infinite applications, beauty salons offer us countless types of hair treatments, and every day they remind us that it’s good to have many diplomas, many titles, many friends… Complexity is associated with idea of ​​golden happiness, which in reality is not always true.

Something that we should take into account is that  big things happen when small things are done well,  and for that, there is nothing better than practicing the art of simplicity in our daily actions.

Taking it easy, being aware of our surroundings and using common sense and intuition are undoubtedly the best strategies to undo all of us from our most complex problems. We must trust our instincts a little more and be receptive to the voice of the heart.

Sometimes we put aside a large part of our “quota of life” immersed in fruitless efforts that completely separate us from what we really want. Therefore, remember that complexity should not be admired, it should be avoided, because  the art of knowing what things to leave aside will be the only way that will allow us to find what we really deserve.

Namely: love, freedom, integrity and personal fulfillment.

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