If You Want To Love Me, Really Love Me

If you want to love me, really love me

I don’t want to look for new relationships anymore, I don’t want to feel fears that get in my way, I don’t want a love with half decisions or half an orange. I don’t just want words or irrational doubts: if you want to love me, really love me. Don’t charge me for anything, because any price you put will be too high.

Love me completely, as someone who was looking for nothing, and simply found an “extra” for your happiness being with me. Love me sincerely, from the depths of your being. I don’t want it to be a necessity, but the ability to choose freely because… I don’t have handcuffs for you.

really love me

That’s what love is, no trying, it’s daring and daring. Confront everything, bet after making a decision and take risks, because sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. What is certain is that, in love, without betting, everything is always lost.

If you want to love me, I want to tell you in advance, although you can intuit it, that it won’t always be a sunny day, with butterflies in your stomach, smiles and walks “hand in hand”. There will be times when we will have to hug each other tightly and join forces, others when we will need to step back to reflect, and other times when we will need each other’s support.

We will need each other’s strength at some point, and even if there are times when I don’t deserve it, I’ll thank you for being there to take care of me, to encourage me to move forward. If you accept my conditions, I sign the contract now and it will be reciprocal: I will also be there when you need it. If you want to love me, you won’t regret it.

really love

If we make the decision, we must assume all the consequences

If you’ve decided to love me, let’s dive into expectations, dreams, and deal with disappointments along the way. Let’s discover new adventures together and buy a lot of ink to write a success story, lyrics that will talk about fears, but also about overcoming them.

If you love me, I don’t just want you to say you love me, I want you to show that love. I don’t want words that don’t have actions that give them weight, because the words take the wind. I want to feel everyday that I’m loved, I want to feel like I have someone I can trust on my side, I want to feel that we both have the same goal. I want to feel that even without being present, you are still by my side.

If you love me I’ll love you too

If you love me I promise to love you too. I won’t be invasive, but I’ll always be around, I promise to give you war so you don’t get bored and peace when you need calm. I will give you breath when you need to breathe.

I promise to be around when you feel lonely, go out when you need solitude, work every day so the magic doesn’t die. I prefer having peace rather than always being right, knowing how to communicate through reason and not impulse, to be part of a safe hug and a calming smile.

love in depth

This contract needs our signature and mine is close to the last letter. If you agree with what we’ve written, notice that the first page is full of promises and the second full of requests. I propose that the third is written by both of us.

If you want to love me, it’s because I’ve shown that I can love you too. If you love me, it will be fun because our connection will take us far. So, if we’re really going to love each other, let’s start writing our story together.

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