Ignoring Your Emotional Wounds Is A Mistake

Ignoring your emotional wounds is a mistake.

We all have emotional wounds, but none are the same. Some are successfully overcome, while others need a little more time to heal. These wounds occur in many ways: through betrayal, abandonment, injustice, humiliation, etc.

When we try to hide a physical wound, it becomes infected, and sooner or later it bleeds again. However, if we wash it and bandage it properly, it will bother us, but it will heal faster. The same goes for emotional wounds. That’s why ignoring a wound is not the best option.

Time does not heal your emotional wounds


“Time will heal your wounds” is a lie that we are always told, because time doesn’t heal anything if we don’t apply the necessary care first. Of course, time is an ally, as long as we apply the bandages until it heals.

How do I know the wound is healed? When you no longer have the need to fight back, when everything has been said and resolved, when there is no more rancor, your wound will be healed. You’ll notice when this happens, it’s a door that closes.

Believing that time will heal all your wounds is not the best solution. We all have some example in our life experiences: at some point we tried to ignore pain out of fear of facing it or because we believed it wasn’t important. However, ignoring a situation can prolong suffering and make healing difficult.

You can let time pass and ignore this wound so you don’t see it bleed, but you know you’re bleeding and you need a bandage. It is a mistake to try to hide it anyway, believing that time will do its part.

don’t get distracted


Distraction has the same effect as time. It distracts us as we try to cover up or ignore what makes us suffer. But, what happens when you are alone? What happens when you have nothing to distract yourself with?

The distraction just stuns us, while deep inside we’re hurting a lot. The distraction is momentary and the pain comes back sooner or later.

These are beliefs that teach us throughout life, perhaps because while we are distracted people believe we are fine. We can even have fun! The problem comes later, when all this distraction is over.

Don’t get distracted and face your pain. Nobody likes to face something that hurts, but it’s better to face it now than prolong this suffering that could surface at any time. Now is the right time: heal your wound.

You have to be strong

Some people say that pain affecting the heart hurts more than pain affecting the physical. It’s normal: physical pain doesn’t affect us emotionally, but emotional or emotional pain does.

You can and must be strong. It can be strong to bear and not be carried away by the temptation of distractions and time, because you know that this is not the best solution and when the pain returns it will be much worse.

They never told you: don’t put off until tomorrow what can you do today? You can use this popular saying in this situation. Don’t stop acting out of fear of what might happen…

There are no assumptions here. Of course, we always harbor hope deep down, which is why it’s so hard to let go of the traps of time and distractions. But what is it worth? In the end, you already know what the result will be.


It’s important to get away from anything that keeps you from stopping and facing your wound. Every time you think about her, you will suffer. Don’t hide the wound for fear of facing it in the face and reliving that pain. So don’t worry, be strong and face the situation. The suffering will be much less if you face everything now and don’t procrastinate. The time is now, close your wounds.

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