Is Your Professional Career Aligned With Your Purposes?

Is your professional career aligned with your purposes?

Have you ever woken up early to go to work and wished you had won the lottery so you never had to do it again? For many people, going to work is a great martyrdom, either because they feel they don’t get paid enough or because they think they could be in a superior position. Well, the question these people have probably never asked themselves is whether or not their professional career is aligned with their purposes.

Sometimes we are not aware of the reasons why we ended up in a particular job. Maybe it’s just for money or to gain experience. But, what happens if this work doesn’t coincide with our purposes, with our professional and personal goals?

Let’s imagine that we work in the administrative area. It’s a job that’s easy to find and doesn’t take a lot of effort, but the only reason we keep it is for the money. In fact, we would like to set up a company, that is, our purpose is to undertake.

We left that aside and as we had studied business administration and management, we chose the most obvious way out. However, each day is a different agony because we are never 100% satisfied. We feel bored and unwilling to go to work. However, the fear, the convenience and the money we receive at the end of each month makes us keep this job we don’t like at all.

Sometimes we believe that what we study, what defines our profession, is what determines our professional career, but this can be a serious mistake. A professional career is a path that we must choose consciously and, if possible, that is aligned with our life purposes.

Is your professional career aligned with your dreams?

Thus, our professional career will not be just about getting a job and earning money. Thinking this way makes many people unsatisfied, relying on the holidays because they know they won’t have to work, and on the days when they finally go on vacation. Definitely, instead of enjoying their job, they live it like a countdown to their days off.

Everyone has a desire, professional goals, which can also be called a dream. Something perhaps vocational, a job that everyone would gladly do and that, if the option came up of changing any job for it, everyone would change without fear of continuing to advance and build a career.

In fact, if the career was aligned with the goals of life, we would not let ourselves be carried away by fear, laziness or convenience.

But, how to start a professional career? We should not think about the impossible, but stop and analyze what we like to do, what activities or tasks we are good at, and even what we can improve. The next step is to think about the usefulness that what we would like to dedicate ourselves to might have. Helping others? Make life easier for someone? What is your main contribution?

How do we know if we are on the right path?

Even if we think about everything that has been said before, the question may arise as to whether we are choosing the best path. For that, we can answer the following questions:

  • How many goals have we accomplished? We are not talking about money, but professional achievements. If no matter how hard you try, you believe you haven’t accomplished any goals, then your professional career and your purposes aren’t aligned.
  • Is our work in line with our values? The reason we are often not happy even if we earn money is because our work does not embrace any of the values ​​we cherish or even go against them.
  • Does our work motivate us? This is a very important question. If we haven’t had the opportunity to develop our skills and be productive, and we develop our work automatically, then chances are we are making mistakes.
Race for professional achievements

The answers to these questions can tell us where we are on the path and if perhaps this is a good time to rethink the situation. Perhaps we just need to look at this job from another perspective or resolve some outstanding conflicts that are imposing obstacles in our professional development.

There is a clear difference between those who have a satisfying professional career and those who are just dedicated to work. The former do it for pleasure, it’s rewarding to be in this job, it benefits them. Somehow their employment allows them to progress little by little and improve their skills. The seconds see work as an obligation that has to be endured day after day.

We must never conform, it is not true that there are no other opportunities. However, nothing is achieved without commitment, effort and dedication. Why not take some time to train ourselves in what we really like and thus develop a professional career that will make us get out of bed even when we’ve slept for a few hours?

man working on roof

Everything is a matter of will, desire and patience. If we want to have a satisfying job, let’s think about our purposes first and then start moving and moving towards them, even if it’s only a few steps at first.

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