Kindness Doesn’t Need Manuals, It Comes Spontaneously

Kindness doesn't need manuals, it arises spontaneously

Perhaps you’ve ever wondered what the good people’s manual is, what they read and where they learned to have this kindness, this light that ignites and empowers the virtues of others, since their role models and their ability to listen are distinct from of many others.

In fact, good people are not aware of the immense good they do around them, and they can even fall into discouragement due to their extreme sensitivity, an essential quality in the times in which we live.

These people will have doubts and will even be tormented thinking about whether they are doing good or bad. Their way of being is so pure and sincere that they are just what you see, with no effects, making them the target of many attacks.

Every reflection on what we do is positive, but some people do not need manuals or great references to act kindly wherever they go : it is the true expression and meaning of kindness, which is always spontaneous, never faked. Performed as a natural virtue, never imposed on the basis of dogmas and norms.

Kindness doesn’t need to be read, just applied

Every child has a pure soul that will need to adapt to their surroundings with a little patience, as our temperament, biology and environment make us different. Rousseau already said that “man is good by nature, it is society that corrupts him”. Perhaps he was not lacking in reason.


This innate goodness can be seen in very young children who are experiencing desired development. The child who helps the other little friends at play, who tries to heal an injured bird and distributes hugs and smiles. A restless child, but always distributing passion and joy.

When education nullifies our virtues

The high rates of violence that have always been registered in our society prompt us to reflect: what are we doing wrong in educating our children so that this innate and spontaneous kindness turns into bitterness, frustration and violence? What spiritual and social models are placed in their heads so that when the moment of development comes they do not want to establish links, but rather comparisons and competences?

What can we do to encourage natural goodness?

There are no detailed strategies or plans to increase a child’s kindness, since by simply not establishing harmful educational methods, good deeds usually appear. However, there are always ways to encourage the nobility:

  • Blame the Education System : Blame is not only an unnecessary mechanism, it is also enormously toxic to people. When we make someone feel guilty, thinking that this way we will punish them and not repeat something that seems wrong to us, we are making that person think that what they did represents them. We are saying in some way that she is bad, so that another time she will act like it.
  • Stop judging : we are not anyone’s “talking cricket”. People choose their own destinies and make their own decisions, and from childhood we began to demonstrate our own individuality and character. Instead of educating to obey, we should unconditionally accept the personality of each of the children around us. They were not born to fill your needs, to be a weapon against any adult or to resolve your frustrations.
happy-woman flying with birds
  • Setting limits : civility and good manners are not repressive but liberating. Respecting others means knowing where my rights, duties and my pleasures reside, as well as knowing the limits and boundaries that separate each individual.
  • Get in touch with nature and animals : nature offers us calm and unconditional love animals. These two virtues are the basis of all human development, because in the tranquility to listen and know other people’s points of view, we develop empathy.

Therefore, the best thing we can do for goodness to emerge is to stop continually asking ourselves what is wrong with us. Being a good person is sometimes as simple as letting go of questioning and starting to heal yourself and others. Don’t push or try to find a guide that tells you what to do in each moment since, as we said earlier, true kindness is spontaneous, never copied.


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