Less Complaints, More Life

Less complaints, more life

Life sometimes brings us hard times, and letting off steam with a close friend or family member we trust can be extremely healthy. However, it seems that complaining is becoming our favorite pastime.

We complain because it’s cold, but also because it’s hot, why and why not, to the point where complaining becomes a habit that we strive to develop, as a personal mark that we put in our existence and that accompanies us throughout our lives. rest of our days.

Complaining will always be easy, but how difficult it is to take responsibility for complaints. Example: if the problem has a solution, simply do what needs to be done; if not, as indicated by the oriental proverb, why complain? It doesn’t make any sense, it ‘s useless to worry about something that is beyond our control.

When we walk lightly through life, carrying only what is essential, it is easier to be happy, because we generate something more that will positively affect the people around us.

When we complain, we are putting ourselves in the position of victims, and the more we nurture this role, we will feel worse and end up not solving anything. This prevents us from knowing and developing our full potential to the fullest.

complaints and complaints

Why do we complain?

In general, we complain because we suffer and we think there is no solution to our problems. For example, we’re not satisfied with the way we look, we don’t have the job we want so much, we don’t have the same car as our neighbor, or money or resources we think we need so much, and so on.

But if we really want to change this cycle, the first thing we must do is stop thinking so much and, on the other hand, act more. Deep down, a lot of what we’d like to have actually doesn’t satisfy our real needs.

Wouldn’t it be much more valid to know “what are my real needs”?  You bought a lot of things last year believing they were essential. Have you noticed that they are not? Maybe they have become something decorative or are dusting somewhere in your house; so when you are going to answer this question, you must do it consciously.

What is my real need? How do complaints help me? Ask yourself and reflect on this.

Get started now!

Perhaps what you want is not the object itself, but the feeling associated with it or the well-being it provides.

It may also be that what you crave is very difficult to achieve. Don’t be discouraged. There is nothing that is impossible to achieve;  just divide the goal into several steps and go on reaching each one of them until you reach your goal.

For example: you feel frustrated at not being able to take a trip across the country, maybe you could visit some cities closer to you now. This you can plan and do.

In this way,  you will start solving the problem that is causing your complaints,  and you will also channel your energy into something more productive and fruitful for you.

Stop blaming yourself and give yourself another chance. Get started now: try it for two weeks and you’ll be amazed by the results. Nobody said it’s easy, but it will be better for you, so get to work!

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